Friday, November 6, 2009

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ulcumano Ecolodge is located within the Biosphere Reserve Ashaninka Yanesha Oxapampa, amidst a mountain forest surrounded by a particular nature that only mountain ecosystems can provide, with a great biodiversity of flora and fauna (125 bird species recorded so far), including several endemic to Peru. Its name comes from a native tree, which for years has been cleared for use in building houses in Oxapampa, in our field and we have these specimens Award which we are maintaining and repopulating.



Geographically located 10.5 km. Oxapampa Village (20 minutes) in the area of \u200b\u200bSwitzerland, District Chontabamba, Oxapampa in the Pasco region, place of great natural and cultural diversity, as there are people from cultures Yanesha, German and Austro Andina .


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Ecolodge Ecolodge

find in a Book Biosphere, from its construction, the lodge is geared to tourism and resource management in a sustainable manner. has been built entirely of wood from forest plantations is not hitting the forest. The energy used is 90% clean at the moment using candles in the cabins and soon solar and wind energy and 10% gas.

It has water-saving systems and a plan for solid waste management, achieving up to 90% recyclable materials and the other 10% easy disposal.
For water savings are indodoros installed water-saving, which is directed entirely to a digester resulting compost will provide for afforestation for carbon sequestration.

Greywater from showers and sinks are treated through a biofilter and constructed wetland to clean and then be sent to the forest floor.
wood furniture and fabrics are handicrafts made by ethnic Yanesha, thus helping them to a join in the local market.
We have an environmental education plan aimed at children of the native community of Tsachopen.

The land where the Ecolodge has 38 hectares of native forest with its own water and is surrounded by the Award for Conservation in our custody granted for 40 years renewable.

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ulcumano Ecolodge has 4 cabins of a room of 35 square meters and two two-bedroom cottages with 42 square meters in total each one, all with private bathrooms, hot water and simple beds and a half or double square.
total capacity of the lodge is 16 people per day being able to incorporate customer order an extra bed in the room.

The restaurant seats 40 people and the service offered is a breakfast buffet, lunch and dinner a la carte (all included in the rate d and stay).

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The area has a large variety of flora, plant trees and orchids and ferns are the main attraction this subject.

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Environments Environmental Education Program Volunteer

will work with children Tsachopen Native community, as well as children from nearby villages in workshops and environmental education activities in the same forest, because we believe that the best classroom for children is the same forest and Essenes to care will have a better future for our planet.

The topics covered are diverse, all related to the dynamics of the forest, like the water cycle and how it is produced or generated within the montane forest, solid waste management and biohuertos.

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Come and work with us in supporting the environment through reforestation with native species produced in our own tree nursery.

Or if you want to volunteer at any of our activities as opening hiking trails within the forest, improvements in the eco-lodge or work with children or Tsachopen Native community, including write a resume and reasons why you want happy to work with us and we will respond to you shortly.

  • shared cabins or tents with beds inside.
  • Food
  • Transportation workplaces

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When purchasing the land where it currently has built the Ecolodge, there were already 8 hectares of degraded forest, formerly used as crop plot and now has nearly 10 years of recovery.

This area will begin to be reforested with native tree species, in order to recover the forest that existed previously.

We have also acquired a land of degraded forest near the National Park Yanachaga Chemillen of 2 hectares where you run the same program.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis program is to restore forests anteriromente existed at the same time offset the carbon released during our tour operations, as ground transportation and / or air.

With the voluntary support of our customers achieve this goal.

volunatrio 's contribution is U.S. $ 4.00 per tree, including plant, labor, planting, transportation, supplies as well as a certificate from us for the support provided by our customers and a subscription to digital newsletters with news of program progress.

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Reforestation Research in Conservation Award

We have a concession purposes Conservation of 51 acres granted by the Peruvian government for a renewable period of 40 years, whose only permitted activities in the area are given the conservation of mountain ecosystems (cloud forest), the conservation of fauna and flora of the place and research.

service is offered guidance and logistical support for research (tents, sleeping bags, mats).

The research is required to leave the results of their research with us, respecting the rights of audit to the investigator.


life zones available to this award are the very humid low montane forest (BMH-MBT), Tropical lower montane wet forest (bh- MBT), tropical lower montane rain forest (bp-MBT).
The altitudinal range is from 2100 - 2900 meters.

The climate is semi humid and warm, with average temperatures of 13 ° C to 20 ° C and rainfall of 1,500 to 2,500 mm

ecological values:

areas have fragile mountain ecosystems, which require conservation, as they are contributing to the quality environmental planning, and abstraction of water for local populations. Likewise, the great diversity of plants in conjunction with climate and physical geography of the place makes a great potential of endemism which is important to study and record.

floristic value:

Among the areas still have representative species of Oxapampa and no longer easily found in other places such as walnut (Juglans neotropica ) and puna Ulcumanu ( Podocarpus spp.). Also, species of orchids in a vulnerable state as Plurotallis spp. Odontoglosum spp. Platystele sp. Sobralia dichotoma, Lepanthes sp. Otoglossum coronarium Catasetum sp. Maxillaria sp., Masdevallia sp. Elleanthus sp. , Stelis sp. Stelis tricardium, Oncidium scansor, Cranichis sp.

Scientific Values:

The area has potential for further study by the local university and outside as well as to institutions for resource conservation, as an ecosystem of Yungas, which is a large endemic flora and fauna due to the altitude ranges, physiographic features and climate. Currently there are organizations specializing in conservation of resources, which are interested in future studies in the area, which would of great help and contribution to science with the results obtained, and thus better understand the ecological processes occurring in these ecosystems.

in wildlife as a place with abundant traces of spectacled bear ( Tremarctos ornatus) and many species of birds like the crested Cotinga Chestnut, Feced Tanager Flame, etc. becomes a special setting for such research. There is an opportunity to study behavior and habitat of the spectacled bear and the variety of bird species and their relationship with the environment.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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1. Birdwatching

2. Horseback Riding




nature observation

5. Canopy Zip Line (under construction)

6. Caving

7. Ecology courses for high school students in monitoring plots

8. Organizations Working conventions

9. Mountain Biking

10. Canyoning

11. Specialized outputs Yanachaga Chemillen National Park (Tree climbing, hiking)

12. Specialized outputs the Municipal Conservation Area Shollet (Bird and Orchid)

13. Community based tourism in the Tsachopen Native Yanesha

Monday, June 15, 2009

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Stove "Patsari"

In Mexico, extracted 4 times more firewood than for industrial use.

In the state of Veracruz, in the community of Chacalapa, Municipality of Chinameca, like many others in the organization of Veracruz, depend on wood for food preparation, it is estimated that the average consumption per household is 5 kg daily, use traditional wood-burning stove is not only inefficient, but it has adverse impacts on the health of families in regional forest deforestation and the environment.

Under the above, the project promotes transfer and adoption of technology saving stoves Patsari type, designed by group GIRA, AC, with the assistance of the Institute of Ecology, College of Veracruz and the Universidad Veracruzana-Intercultural.

Project with the support of the program ProÁrbol the Gulf Regional Management Center CONAFOR through Training and Technology Transfer is possible in 2008 and 2009, benefiting 144 families who adopt such saving stoves Patsari, promoting efficient use of firewood and improving the living conditions of rural families in their homes, and thus joining the National Climate Change Strategy for the adopt family-friendly technologies to natural resource management. ___________________________________________________________________________

This is a video which describes the functions and utilities that give wing stove, as presented in Mr. Victor Berrueta civil partnership TOUR (Interdisciplinary Group for Appropriate Rural Technologies).

Monday, June 1, 2009

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D rom ago much time in rural and indigenous communities is very common to use a natural resource important to the survival of wood. This product helps them to cook, in some cases to heat homes or just to light, this practice is especially prevalent in rural areas of northern, central and southern Iraq.

is why Chacalapa community in the municipality of Chinameca, Ver research is being done to find the Efficient use of fuelwood and other environmental benefits through the construction of stoves "Patsari" this term language from Purhépecha and means "that keeps" . The idea of \u200b\u200bthis investigation that began in February 2008 is to promote the moderate use of wood to prevent damage to health by the emission of gases and reduce climate change impact. In these communities often use the open fire and this is causing burns, respiratory diseases, among others.

type stoves technologies "Patsari" have resulted in savings of 34% to 40% in fuel consumption, while the traditional stove, firewood consumption is higher and therefore both the economic outflow increases. With this new technology that you want to implement in the community try to reduce deforestation and loss of forest in this region.

To this there have been meetings with the community in which they participated housewives and farmers dealing with these issues, creating awareness of the benefits to be gained by implementing this new technology. To work we have the support of Dr. Laura C. Ruelas Monjardin researcher at the Institute of Ecology (INECOL) in Xalapa, Veracruz Which has guided us in the process of this investigation and management in order to get this project and implement it in the community.

Management was to CONAFOR (National Forestry Commission), Regional Manager Gulf-Center, with headquarters in Xalapa, 144 stoves for an equal number of families. They are the first in the state of Veracruz to manage this type of support. Stoves " Lorenas" ("Mud and Sand") and "Patsari" ("the Guardian"), are driven by GIRA AC (Interdisciplinary Group for Appropriate Rural Technology).

have been prepared presentations with images in which showed these stoves for people in the community see what is involved and the type of technologies being implemented for the production of stoves . Most people are very happy with this work, because to them it will be useful this range, that would facilitate the work and reduce the cooking time, because these stoves have three burners (one large, two small ), and has only one entry for the three wood burners and has a tube that vents the smoke outside the house so that people do not inhale, these stoves would reduce fuel consumption and therefore economic spending families.

Friday, May 29, 2009

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Patsari Project Description Description

This blog includes information on the project of saving stoves "Patsari" that is developing in the community within the municipality Chacalapa Chinameca Veracruz.

students are in charge of the university-based Rain Veracruzana Intercultural, Comrade Emmanuel Patraca Rueda, Patraca Jessica Torres, Jorge Luis Cruz Martínez and María Espinoza Gloria Barrios, residents of the community.