Monday, January 31, 2011

Pokemon Shiny Gold Gamesharks

Davos: new realities, old ambitions

This year's meeting of 41 World Economic Forum in Davos has been the motto of "shared standards for the new reality." Seek agreement involves sharing standards, and achieve common behaviors and conduct the affairs of the international economy. When someone mentions the reality, he confronts her, and this is a bad thing, because it is as if we say that we are living back to it.

The sheer number of issues that arise in Davos can be grouped into five major areas or issues. First and foremost is the change of power, growing at three speeds: very strong in emerging and developing economies, strong in the Together, but does not generate sufficient employment, and weak in Japan and Europe, with the exception of Germany. This, says Martin Wolf, a world divided by a common economy, where the developed economies have a fiscal deficit of 7% of the product emerging from 3% and 5% poor. ence of rich countries to meet the payment of public debt and a state like China now giving more money to developing economies the World Bank. It is true that China does not share the rules and play to market economy while manipulating the exchange rate, credit allocation and investment conditions and internal capital markets, but this is part of the new reality. Take more or less to arrive, but we are at the end of a historical trend. President Barack Obama, in his great speech to Congress, has made clear that no one is more patriotic to evoke a powerful America, and we must make the future work for a company and an innovative economy.

The second issue of contention is the environmental degradation and pressure on natural resources, energy, raw materials and foodstuffs. Precisely the protagonists of the new reality emerging, are forcing the demand for these goods. The current conflict in Tunisia has, among other things, the scarcity of food, that occurs with some frequency in other neighboring countries. No wonder that inflation in food prices is a key point in the Davos agenda, with opponents and advocates, because while some countries are destabilized, other producers of raw materials are rich, but one must ask how this is dealt benefit.

A third aspect is the global labor market access in emerging countries, with millions of people in competition with workers in poorer economies and those of the richer economies, especially immigrants in the economic bonanza they sought refuge in . Klaus Schwab, President of the Forum, has also raised the effect of the job insecurity of the new generations and their relative impoverishment, real and expectations with respect to the previous.

Fourth, and into purely economic issues, debates and discusses the role of regulation and control of financial economics. So while we are obsessed with raising the capital to banks, markets speculate freely with the countries' debt and leaving the field covered tremendous volume operations. Since starting operation in 2003, is 163,000 million dollars invested in markets for products traded on commodities, in just two years, in crisis, it has gone from 55,000 to those 163,000 million. What were once housing and shares of some companies now are food, but traded in an opaque market, like much of the debt operations. Already there are those who warn of the new bubble, although it is normal that regulation always go behind the problems.

The last question, the fifth case, it is Davos, the people who gather there. Of the 2,500 people who attended this year, 1400 are presidents or senior executives of large companies, beyond the statements of politicians or intellectuals witticisms, his views are what give character to Davos. They wanted to see in this vast world wide representation of a certain pattern, an identification standards ranging from shared tastes, including clothing, even politically correct attitudes to philanthropy, inequality, climate change and other conventions. It is as if one were to combine ethics and aesthetics in a new ontology or vision for a world that has become so complex that no one who has been there can encompass. Gumersindo
(Grupo Joly 31/01/2011)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Message Of Christening

endive salad back

prove I love salads of all kinds and to give more joy to the escarole, I got to watch what was there and was a salad of luxury.

Easy, fast and bueníiiiiiiiiiiisima

ingredients. Escarole

4 slices in syrup d epinephrine.

1 can of mackerel

6 surimi sticks.

10 cooked prawns

3 tablespoons olive oil 2

vinegar salt.

Wash the endive and cut into small pieces. Browse

mackerel with oil brings the can, chop sticks sliced \u200b\u200bsurimi, pineapple cut into chunks and toss the shrimp. Mix

Dress with the vinaigrette and serve


Thursday, January 27, 2011

License Points Tariff

word of love from a trucker 1

Rules To Card Game Frustration

Cake Meatballs

I had left loin steak with onion sauce, but as you know, the spine, is usually harder and get to ended in the trash, I did cake and liked it so much.

It is very juicy.

Ingredients. 500 kg

loin steak
200 g of turkey.

1 small glass of white wine.

1 dash

tomato sauce 1 onion, chopped.

2 chopped garlic.

1 tablespoon parsley.

2 slices of bread bimbo.

100 g of flour. 2 eggs

Chop the meat with the back and the other ingredients. Mix everything and pour into a silicone mold.

Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour approx.

sevir with mayonnaise, or tomato, and the like. Print

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Logitech Eyetoy Camera Driver

The value of fear.

In these three years of crisis has been raised repeatedly whether, by having some power to create opinion, was better to maintain an optimistic or not on the economy. Optimism has been championed primarily by the consumer goods sector, since the withdrawal of the demand in a general atmosphere of pessimism further aggravated the situation. However, the delay in addressing some topics as finance and real estate management can be considered, perhaps the result of unwarranted optimism to expect the sector to adjust and find a balance himself.

past year are taking steps, some longer other shorter, around some problems. These movements in the area of \u200b\u200bwhat is considered possible, hoping that the sum of many small actions lead to something effective. Among the most highlights recent meeting between developers and financiers on the initiative of Minister of Public Works and Housing. It is set to the same table the main protagonists of the crisis to address problems that affect both, and find solutions. In fact, when talking about the capital needs of banks and makes it impossible to figure without knowing how to evolve the quality of its real estate assets. If they behave in a stable capitalization is not a major problem, but if the deterioration continues not know how they will capitalize on the entities.

The meeting has shown five characteristics. The first is of neutrality by the state, which refuses to put to him petitions involving expenditures, guarantees, or deterioration of its credit rating. Secondly, there is no maximalist approaches or striking agreements, everything is within the scope of possible solutions, but are limited. However, for changes in accounting and tax rate in relation to soils that have improved urban qualification, old assets in the portfolio continue to post gains, offsetting gains and losses, or consideration of the heavy taxation in relation to past treatment current losses, and with it is to strengthen the balance sheets and avoid a further sharp fall in activity. A fourth aspect is that meetings are born to stay in time and form three committees: accounting, corporate and tax, financial, and planning. Finally, the program also emphasizes support for the overseas promotion to assure that facilitate home sales. For the future it would not hurt to incorporate the voice of small and middle promoters, and appraisal companies.

This initiative can be considered positive because it gives and because it took too negative. It is, perhaps, the result of fear of lack of real solutions to the economic situation and the recognition that if not given a respite to the sector, no way out for many years for the English economy. Also in the fear there is value when forced to make decisions that, although seemingly limited or insufficient help to fix problems, or at least they do not become even more serious. Gumersindo

Ruiz (Grupo Joly 25/01/2011)

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's Wrong With Fakku 2010

My friend Amy, we gave my daughter some cookbooks for children. The other day, brujailla, wanted us to do something about his books and chose these meatballs.
The truth is that they are very rich and the best thing is that we have done together.
When we have done of his books, has always been sweet, and this time he played something salty.
is my conscience. I forget to put on the apron and she is there something else I forget recordándomelo.Se and I have her there. It is a pesadillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, but a nightmare adorable ... jejejej.
Well here you have the recipe

500 g of turkey breast.
150 g of ham.
40 g of grated cheese

1 baked potato 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence.
3 eggs.

salt tomato sauce.

Shred turkey meat with the chopped ham, cooked potato, egg, grated cheese, a pinch of salt and teaspoon of herbs.
Mix the ingredients until a smooth paste, make the meatballs.
Beat two eggs, pasr meatballs in flour, egg and bread crumbs.
Fry them in oil over medium heat, so it will not browned too. Water them with tomato sauce


Friday, January 21, 2011

Twisted Pelvis, Strength

The Long Goodbye.

The bottom line about pensions is not strictly economic or financial, but demographic, the long period after retirement continues to increase life expectancy.

In the recent "Economic Report of the President of the Government, pensions play an important role, not so much by extension but by the strength of the data: if you currently there are four people of working age for every pensioner, by 2050 there will be only one-thirty. It is true that employment growth would make it easier for pension coverage, but does not remedy the fundamental question of the burden and the growing disproportion between the long life of retirement and working life. The "Annual Report on Growth of the European Commission also highlighted as a problem for European government debt longevity, its impact on pensions and health spending.

Although a general phenomenon in European countries, in the case of Spain is heightened, and current trends the percentage of population over 65 years of total working age population (16 to 64 years) would increase from current 25% to 61% in 2050. The evolution of demographic data, except in cases of war, strong migratory movements, or severe epidemics, are met with considerable accuracy, which requires that reforms be made with a lot of time. Along with greater proportionality between contributions and benefits, transparency in trading, systems integration and adequacy of family allowances and widows, incentives for prolonging working life, the revision of the minimum retirement age and the limitations of aid for early retirement are common sense. Would, of course, take into account those who have contributed enough years, or certain groups based on the work they perform, so they can retire earlier. And, of course, the retirement age should evolve in line with rising life expectancy, which in Spain is one of the highest in the world, so that if at the beginning of the twentieth century in the hope of a person with 65 years was to live to 74, is now down to 85.

The period for calculating the pension would be maintained, featuring a sliding scale to correct the situations of those who have suffered unemployment for the period of calculation. Not mentioned in the Report of the President of taxation necessary to support long-term savings, increasing the current maximum amounts, and including a reform of individual pension plans and company to become a good complement to public pensions. A State Treaty is absolutely necessary and the parties agree as much as possible, taking into account various political views, business and labor. Is this an issue that increasingly occupies more space in public discussion, and it is not so strange in this context, the phrase of a character in the new production of Valère Novarina (precisely at the Odeon-Theatre of Europe), when he says serious that "the legal age death has been postponed. " Gumersindo

Ruiz (Grupo Joly January 18, 2011)

Treating Eyebrow Wax Burn

A reflection on the emptiness you let me facebook

I'm a little worried. Today I talked to my coworkers have they thought about what I will comment now and they would seem normal, not find it strange, I do.

I have a blog where I write, reflect, criticize, praise, etc. .. me relief., Also I use facebook a little bit, not much truth is not what most convinces me but hey I'm in touch with friends and family all around I have not, so far good, because good in some way participated in a different social environment, I accept and understand the new media that offers the advantages of thousands without losing the reality of the consequences of that information you offer, if it is not careful.

Well all this introduction is a reason, as I said this morning I have told my colleagues that turns out to people that I interact every day or almost every day, in different phases depending on the relationship to maintain, but there was a communication, a trust where we explain a few things of everyday life, including our state of mind ... I've noticed that generally speaking part decreased.

The observation is that referring to my facebook yesterday, I learned that a colleague with whom I am every day, he went to Madrid to see a match of his team, is an inveterate fan. Last week approved a very important test of a friend of mine, with whom I have a close relationship, the beneficial result and the good news of a major operation and so a family could add up.

my way of communicating with people that I have a close and with whom I can maintain physical contact because we live in the same city, has always been in person or by phone when no other remedy, have important and personal things in a comment facebook, I feel sad, because many people will actually learn of this news if there is an ongoing consultation with this new form of access in the lives of people, which is not my case, hence we now know that half the things I am not aware.

From my point of view and as a reflection, I think there experiences, hopes, worries, hopes, which I think are important comment in person at the case I mentioned, when there is a possibility, because you can express yourself, move you, mourn, laugh, cry ... but sharing it with someone in front, I hope this is just a feeling and not lose that way communicate so special and unique, which is staring into his eyes.

Of course now that I'm aware that lots of news work and work well, at least not me you have in mind that you will not comment on anything, I congratulate you, or you a hug and you in the mood ... ETC. not because they want it I will not reason and do not know anything, do not consult the facebook every day, a penalty.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Casinò Mario Salieri Vidios

turkey and ham risotto with champagne, truffles and bacon. Skewers

saw this recipe in Hello magazine and I said I had to do it.
had all the ingredients except the nose, so I went for it and got to do it.
is delicious. Ingredients

pump 400 g of rice.
20 ml. of vodka.
100 ml of champagne.
200 g of bacon, sliced \u200b\u200bchicken broth
30 g of butter.
butter 1 tablespoon chopped truffle
80 g of grated cheese.
salt and freshly ground pepper.
olive oil truffle
Place the rice with a little oil, after a few minutes, remove the pan and add vodka, flambé and replace the pan on the stove stirring well until the flame goes out.
Replace the heat and stir until the flame goes out. Go
adding ladles of broth As will consume and cook slowly
halfway through cooking, about 10 minutes, add the champagne and bacon.
not let the rice is dry in no time.
When rice is ready, turn off the heat and add the grated cheese and butter and truffle butter, stirring with a spatula until a syrupy texture.
Serve the rice and sprinkle with grated truffle.

What Does The Cervix Feel Like Before Menstuation

a planet called junk page 4

Maxine Birthday Clipart

And if we think of you?

Comment on a subject or give your point of view, involves risk, prudence is a virtue that is not the domain of all, I know my character because people around me and share with me pieces of my life, I said and tells me, however I often feel that they are not totally honest with me, proposing that people actually say what he thinks of you, to be honest, is another risk to take because it can mean a principle with that person.


people that are not present, is what gives us best when we are surrounded by our friends, family .. it's easy, it's is so entertaining, but before the person would be unable to say what we think, imagine could be chaotic, but then again, I'm sure that person would learn to know better, would assess the best you have, learn or try to improve what might harm himself or others and all be faced with a problem in my opinion very important, anonymity, unknown feeling, loss of self identity.

I have thought many times that I've become what I am because the circumstances, the environment, the education I had, the teachers that have touched me, parents who have educated me, friends I have influenced the work I've done more or less liking, disgust, surprise and the way that life itself has been teaching me, I have done so in this way. My question is;

_ Is the person born, or do they?. The three options would be good but that certainly is acting out in our day to day, each in its time.

On the other hand I am of those who feel that the opinion of others always referring to people who really loves you and knows you, if I give, but be tough and I'm sure things would I ache more than offend me, because I would have things to be myself, help me come to understand everything written above.

How important is it to you the truth about yourselves?, Would you be willing to listen?, I suggest a day when you are ready, and my choice will be a part of me and my life perhaps makes more sense .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Groping Vdos In Bus Train

This has been our dinner and make it a little more showy, put it well.
As my children do not like sepia, for their loss. We put the boots.
I put a few of those and the rest to pick.
I liked the contrast of sabores.Y to put on when they come home, they are great.

a cuttlefish.
few slices of ham.
3 crushed garlic.
1 tablespoon herbs for pizza.
olive oil.
few slices of bread. Make

cuttlefish with a few drops of oil. Salar.
In a skillet, add oil and when it begins to smoke, add garlic and herbs and remove.
Place on skewers, ham, sepia and ham.
Click on toasted bread and drizzle with oil. Print

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wisin And Yandel Jackets

major fashion magazines use girls wearing makeup and sensually

Controversy in France for a seven-story with girls dressed and sensually massaged
prestigious magazines as Vogue Paris' increasingly used minors in his photographs


understand but there are some parents who subject their children are very young-as any advertising project but this particular one and I think even shameful, in my opinion a girl of seven years if it comes, be a product of its kind I think that deep down are not the most realistic and educational values \u200b\u200bof which should be soaked, I do not think that is what girls really expect to do, whether to please their parents and seek recognition of them, I'm sure to be proud of their little girl to expose her to the form where the mother would love to be. Girls
seven years
makeup, dressed in trademark unattainable for many people, with sultry looks, let's work a model in miniature, without rights or legal contract within a maturity that is yet to come, in my opinion is one more attraction for people with troubled mind where fashion and what sells the magazine or whatever this is in the background, where it is possible that the desire is not the dress but who wears it, I feel that their parents know and imagine these thoughts and do not understand how they can please see his seven year old girl doing sexy poses on a bed or any material or symbol that magnify what we all think we know but do not say.

is a shame and sadness I feel, if this is the kind of publicity for what society needs to look and buy, mostly because the last copies were sold and the last did not go on sale as the renowned illustrator Alexandro Palombo, said the following words is " an ideal gift for pedophiles. "
The attack has been interpreted as an act of courage against a magazine recognized worldwide as the bible of fashion and has affected managers, investors have withdrawn their advertising and readers as reported by the vanguard .

Vale but meanwhile what? .... Until a man with a weight and a recognition in this world has not given its opinion has been allowed copies were sold, I ask myself where are the limits on this in children as is the case?, "And the institutions should have some responsibility to control the publicity about awareness and therefore control, when part of material used by the company to sell them children?. I have understood that yes it is "but then fails or when there is a STOP?, Here you do not pass.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wat Does It Mean When Ur Cervix Is Hard

Napkin sepia and ham puff.

These are the ones I did on New Year's Eve dinner and were very cool and laid.
The trouble is that there was no napkin.
We ate them all.

a sheet of puff pastry.

egg sesame seeds.

With coratastas to taste, cut out the shapes in the sheet and a smaller one for the hole to put the napkin.
Brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake at 180 degrees until golden brown. Cool and place

Friday, January 14, 2011


bacon and cheese omelet Chicken Nuggets

Another way to eat pasta when you have left and that is great. Maybe I took too
pasta, so I'll leave you to taste each
With the cheese sauce is delicious.


5 eggs 100 g of cooked pasta.
200 g of bacon into small pieces
cream cheese in a splash of cream

Beat eggs and add the bacon and the pasta, stir well, that s eintegren all ingredients.
Mix cream cheese with cream. Make
tortilla and serve with a sauce Print

Music Search Template

An elderly man is attractive, she is old but

After reading the interview that has made him the Vanguard newspaper of the exceptional journalist Rosa Maria Mateo, I prefer a phrase that says, in relation to the question;

How does the case O'Reilly?
The judge has taken the right decision. Justice has been profound. We must condemn injustice. The young people should see that they will have wrinkles very soon. You grow before you know it. Http://

course wrinkled women in the labor field is undervalued compared with men. It depends a lot of work but in general is attractive older man and a woman is old talking dismissively.

work experience, maturity that can make any worker in an activity not value both now and can be your physical appearance. From my point of view I think it is pretty easy person to one that is not so graceful, which is not so it has to Curran. In job interviews also includes an important part in this aspect. I remember one of the questions I did in an interview that for years had to happen is if she was willing to invest money in taking care of my personal appearance, hygiene was not, but of clothing, hair creams, paint (not believe that there was a plus to be able to meet this cost that the company required.)

know that even some women in his employment contract are required to go makeup for work, which from my point of view is not fair and even beyond what many people may think, make a choice of these features into an obligation, not having nothing to do with their training, experience and quality of work, if a person does not like to paint their faces great but there are women who do not know, nor want, nor feel good, and endure in the face painting for any reason is, I think I am here too, I go when I painted a little bit I feel that I am not bother me really, except that I'm in disguise. Carry

skirt and can not wear trousers to work STILL ... is another issue where some women have to take it like it or not, one thing is consistent and quite another to have to endure as what differences does not benefit at all to worker depending on what types of activities.

The other thing is, make this possible because we have no option to do so, firms you or will come back for you to sign the contract. The problem therefore apart from it being in a society that constantly judged, totally materialistic in many respects, because consciousness is yet to say that we live in a world of equality, there are things that need to catch up like two centuries ago.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brazilian Wax Aroused Clit

a planet called junk

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chicken Farm Business Plan Sample

another year, a year younger. Reforms were

economic events of the past decade in Andalusia have been collected in an excellent series of articles in this journal, already a reference for analyze our economy. The big question that explicitly or not, underlying all this work is employment. Could not be otherwise, the December data indicate the existence of 4.1 million unemployed, of which over 900,000 are in Spain. Has slowed the loss of jobs, and to some extent the integration of more people the labor market, but for years it will be possible to generate employment to recover what was created as exaggerated and destroyed later.

The idea on which propose a reflection is to distinguish between structural and cyclical unemployment. When a conversion to agriculture or industry, there is a long period of adjustment, but what happened with the construction and related sectors and to a lesser extent, with the financial sector, is unique. We have no experience of creation and destruction of economic activity and employment are so strong in so little time. The resulting unemployment is structural and will not be remedied by measures to reduce working hours, support for enterprises, or policies Active labor market. Labor reform and flexibility in Spain, which almost everyone asked, is of little use when the cause of unemployment that have disappeared or are in distress, many of the companies that employed them.

The three Nobel laureates in economics this year tried to explain the frictions in the labor market as soften. But this serves as the stop is temporary and there are imbalances in the economy, then find a balance. The part of cyclical unemployment is yes you will find relief in Andalusia, as the situation improves environment, in fact, we have the autonomous region where unemployment has fallen further, within the high rate that we suffer. The clearest example we have in America, where the economy grows more than 3%, but does not create enough jobs to recover what was lost. The construction jobs are low skilled, very sector-specific and difficult to find employment in other sectors. Although the economy to grow by increasing productivity in agriculture, services and industry, which also applies to Andalusia, not create jobs with low productivity that is so easily created in recent years. And this without considering the burden it poses to the rest of the economy's loss of value of property assets lack of funding, declining tax revenues and higher expenses caused by the strike.

A year is always a year younger in life expectancy can also be used to see when near the end of a bad situation. If we accept that part of our economic activity will recover in years, maybe we are taking the first step to address the problem, seeing what real ability is our economy and its companies to adjust supply and demand a reasonable job. Gumersindo
(Grupo Joly 11/01/2011)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why Does My Puppy's Tail Get A Lump

One year after Haiti remains a promise unfulfilled

A year later and despite all the efforts made by NGOs, anonymous volunteers, volunteers of nonprofit organizations, people only caring ... despite the desire and effort for things to return to start in a place where it all ended suddenly, in spite of this our politicians and those of others have proved unable to demonstrate that commitment is something that one day he must demonstrate, teach, humanity is in your hands heavily dependent a remedy bureaucratic, economic and business to deal with any disaster in the world, we depend on those hands invisible to offer anything that is or may make a profit somehow.

Despite the enthusiasm and hope that HAITI be given the opportunity to grow slowly, with the help of all of us, HAS NOT GOT ALMOST NOTHING, only ten percent of what was promised, the rest are in poverty, devastation, hunger, poverty, unmet basic needs, despair and anger ... the rest remains in the hearts of all when we learned that it was said, promised and sworn to do everything possible, ALL has come to nothing and has not reached even POSSIBLE to be the start than expected.

Stylus For Wacom Cte-640

The nuggets are very fond of children, and not so young.
never put this batter flafes cork and I love it. I have been told they are made and provided. Ingredients

1 whole chicken breast.
half onion
1 garlic 1 tablespoon chopped 1 egg
2 tablespoons bread crumbs.
salt and pepper.
egg batter.
crushed cork flakes to coat.
chicken into pieces, onion and garlic. Chop all together in the chopper along with parsley.
Pour a bowl and add the egg and bread crumbs. Season and remove, it is well integrated.
Make balls and flatten slightly and roll in the egg and then by the cork flakes.
Fry in abundant oil over medium heat so that they do well and are not very toasted. The
with chips. Print

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Woke Up With My Right Ball Hurting


I love snacking, I should not because then stays where it should, but it's something I love.

I prefer it to a plate, and in small amounts, try more things.

This put him at a dinner and we loved them all.

is made at a time and in the same moento already finished.


bimbo bread smoked salmon cream cheese

tuna mayonnaise

Mix mayonnaise with cheese and spread the slices of bread.

split into 3 parts along

put a layer of salmon, one of bread and a tuna.

close with another pan and serve


Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Jersey High School Referee

salmon cakes with tuna and bacon jam

A dish, fast, rich and usually liked by almost everyone.
Well in my case, my children like it with meat and tomato. But we like
testing of all shapes and so are great.


400 g of propellers.

3 cans of tuna natural

1 onion 1 can red peppers

1 brick of cream

Place the pasta on to cook with salt water, a piece of chicken , a bay leaf and a drizzle of oil.

while in a pan with a trickle of oil, go to Fry finely chopped onion over medium heat, is made but not brown.

When done, add the tuna and pepper finely chopped, stir and add the cream brick. Let

few minutes to simmer.

Drain the pasta and serve with cream sauce and tuna.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and broil

*************************************** **************************** Also

Trini's blog. Http:// , has given me this award.

As you know, I leave it here for anyone who wants to take it. Many

thanks for remembering me.


Gay Meeting Places Charlotte

a .- 3 p. junk planet called No. 2