We have a concession purposes Conservation of 51 acres granted by the Peruvian government for a renewable period of 40 years, whose only permitted activities in the area are given the conservation of mountain ecosystems (cloud forest), the conservation of fauna and flora of the place and research.
service is offered guidance and logistical support for research (tents, sleeping bags, mats).
The research is required to leave the results of their research with us, respecting the rights of audit to the investigator.
life zones available to this award are the very humid low montane forest (BMH-MBT), Tropical lower montane wet forest (bh- MBT), tropical lower montane rain forest (bp-MBT).
The altitudinal range is from 2100 - 2900 meters.
The altitudinal range is from 2100 - 2900 meters.
The climate is semi humid and warm, with average temperatures of 13 ° C to 20 ° C and rainfall of 1,500 to 2,500 mm
ecological values:
areas have fragile mountain ecosystems, which require conservation, as they are contributing to the quality environmental planning, and abstraction of water for local populations. Likewise, the great diversity of plants in conjunction with climate and physical geography of the place makes a great potential of endemism which is important to study and record.
Among the areas still have representative species of Oxapampa and no longer easily found in other places such as walnut (Juglans neotropica ) and puna Ulcumanu ( Podocarpus spp.). Also, species of orchids in a vulnerable state as Plurotallis spp. Odontoglosum spp. Platystele sp. Sobralia dichotoma, Lepanthes sp. Otoglossum coronarium Catasetum sp. Maxillaria sp., Masdevallia sp. Elleanthus sp. , Stelis sp. Stelis tricardium, Oncidium scansor, Cranichis sp.
Scientific Values:
The area has potential for further study by the local university and outside as well as to institutions for resource conservation, as an ecosystem of Yungas, which is a large endemic flora and fauna due to the altitude ranges, physiographic features and climate. Currently there are organizations specializing in conservation of resources, which are interested in future studies in the area, which would of great help and contribution to science with the results obtained, and thus better understand the ecological processes occurring in these ecosystems.
in wildlife as a place with abundant traces of spectacled bear ( Tremarctos ornatus) and many species of birds like the crested Cotinga Chestnut, Feced Tanager Flame, etc. becomes a special setting for such research. There is an opportunity to study behavior and habitat of the spectacled bear and the
variety of bird species and their relationship with the environment.
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