When Schumacher published more than thirty years his book "Small is beautiful", took place in the world an almost complete identification with their ideas, perhaps due to distrust the power of large corporations . In fact, as evidenced by this crisis have been large financial institutions, industrial, major promoters, which have undermined the global economic system. But it would be naive to deny the ability of the company with an international dimension to create good working conditions, capitalized, developing technologies and compete, so it's best not to consider the small and large as two conflicting or contrary ways, but with different roles.
few weeks ago, in an organized visit to Tacoma, in Tenerife, on the occasion of the meeting of the association Arethusa, who was born in Malaga twenty-six years, bringing together universities in Southern Europe, I was struck by an experience that has years now, a "farmer's market." It is an answer given producers to price and marketing problems, selling its products direct. With all his modesty, is a very interesting example of how to address the issue of brokering in agriculture. Marketing processes have to prove that report a value added product, explain the differences between consumer prices and production. The distribution of benefits among producers, processors, transporters and distributors is the subject of ongoing debate, in fact, the abandonment of the countryside by farmers is primarily because the low prices they receive.
Tacoronte differ in their market because the products are mainly local with guarantee of origin, the development is quite sophisticated, there are no guarantees in the process of development, in general eco-agriculture, without chemical opportunist and a health check and rigorous quality. The organization is also unusual because the project is self-managed, but has direct support from the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the council for the City. It is a case study of Elinor Ostrom studying on how to organize companies, institutions and social groups to find solutions within the market, the management or use of a common thing in this case agricultural production. The "market Farmers "has its web page, and performs an educational function, supplemented by the Agricultural Training School, disseminating agricultural technology processes, and organizational and business management.
In this crisis the food industry is among the few that is sustained international demand, despite fluctuations, prices of food and raw materials are maintained at relatively high levels. The experience of Tacoma is an example of how to survive in the rural environment, information and communications technologies, providing technical content to the occupation of farmer, attending a selective demand, especially with an organization has been refined over the years. It is certainly something to admire and emulate. Gumersindo
Ruiz (Grupo Joly 10/12/2010)
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