always a little hard for me to give my opinion on cultural issues, theater, books, music, movies ... etc. The reason is because it gives me respect and I am a mere amateur. Leo
because I like not because they understand the good and bad writers, go to the theater because it inspires me, I feel enriched as a person especially at a time I learn as a student of class that I am, listening to music because it makes me think, reflect and relax me, but I prefer the one that makes me think of something and especially going to the movies because I get distracted from my routine, such as big screen, music that feelings can wrap while you soundproofed external noise ... everything that helps me and I created a separate world that encourages me in many ways, for better or for worse, because even when I left still somewhat unsatisfied somehow helps me know myself more.
comes a time when you know perfectly well that kind of thing you like and what they tell you anything, a criticism so important in taking into account today.
Well my introduction
served little to justify what I want to tell today because two weeks ago went to the cinema and left extremely distressed, also perplexed, agitated, entirely filled with feelings of many kinds, went even scared but later, hours and days continued to be touched by this great movie or rather by the great performance that made the actress Natalie Portman in the Black Swan, is a marvel, you can not have details of a movie you've seen to let others fill the gap that you deserve when you choose enter a movie theater to be surprised that it's also just something simple I mean simple but great for the later. HAS TO GO READY-A. After
mostly it's any reflection on life, where the fight for something important, but without losing the reason, beyond the line can be extremely ... .. and you'll know which you decide to go see it.
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