Today may be the day for someone who has taken the decision
to do what we think we should, perhaps
Today is the day to remember those who are and who is not,
to fix what you absorbed during sleep, stirs desires and surprises you and it breaks into pieces when you see always in front of you but you are unable to do anything;
Today may be the day to tell the person you love, not so long ago ... it happens;
Today we pick up the phone and say "I have to talk you ", look for the pause in a way where one day broke and left us pale and hungry for words ... let alone watching.
today may not be able to do anything that we dishes, however know continue to live and change that one day I taught a lesson, you learn that right for you is not the best for all, accept yourself as you are still with the cost of feeling sorry for what you know to never come back, that things are as they are without losing the enthusiasm and hope that makes
beat ... you can now look at you differently, not knowing what to do with all that lived, with everything you did for that person, not knowing where to save those kisses, memories, all the love you gave and now it seems that not happened, that ever was, feeling like it was parallel to another person who has lived it you do not feel it was you because you do not find across NOTHING ... not knowing where to keep those sentiments .. hugs or not knowing, not to find the person in any place in your heart this is absent vacuum
My way now I know that is safe, is possible today is the day that we decided to, breathe, laugh, we provide, we cry ... today is the time when you are sharing with me when I say that you are important to me if you're here reading me, no matter how, today is the day you ... thank you, anyone who reads me and never know, my friends in this corner and myself for wanting that which illuminates what is not seen in this side.
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