Mallorca. 10/12/1918
http://www.es.amnesty.org/es/gruposlocales/balears/grupos/mallorca/paginas/noticia/articulo/reunion-de-ai-mallorca-ibiza-en-la-capital- de-les-pitiueses /
gathered Notícia d'AI Mallorca - Eivissa to the capital of their Pitiüses
The passat desembre 14, the group of AI Mallorca - Eivissa, is brought Eivissa organitzar a companys amb the islands. As a main topic raised the possibility of reactivating the role and presence for the first quarter of 2011 from Amnesty International to the islands.
From this website we want to thank the colleagues in their presence, their interest and commitment to human rights.
In 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of AI, is a very important milestone for our organization, which can not miss the presence and contributions of colleagues from the islands.
Thank you, lots of years and our best wishes for 2011 to everyone.
Number Meeting of Mallorca - Ibiza in the capital of the islands. The past
14 December, AI group Mallorca - Ibiza, Ibiza organized a meeting with colleagues from the Balearic Islands. As the main topic raised the possibility of reactivating the role and presence for the first quarter of 2011 by Amnesty International in the Balearic Islands.
From this website we are grateful to the colleagues / Pitiuses you of their presence, interest and commitment to human rights.
The 2011 is celebrating 50 years of AI, is a very important day for our organization, which can not lack the presence and contributions of their peers / os in the Balearic Islands.
Thank you, happy holidays and best wishes for 2011 for all.
We have begun, I think and believe that in Ibiza you can do a great job for the time we had a meeting since February and the first campaign will be organized to make yourself known, find new volunteers in Ibiza, trying to create a pool of necessary to reach goals and achieve positive results.
I have confidence that if we try, work hard, we do not lack the enthusiasm and spare us the hope that things can change, we can accomplish great things.
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