Comment on a subject or give your point of view, involves risk, prudence is a virtue that is not the domain of all, I know my character because people around me and share with me pieces of my life, I said and tells me, however I often feel that they are not totally honest with me, proposing that people actually say what he thinks of you, to be honest, is another risk to take because it can mean a principle with that person.

people that are not present, is what gives us best when we are surrounded by our friends, family .. it's easy, it's is so entertaining, but before the person would be unable to say what we think, imagine could be chaotic, but then again, I'm sure that person would learn to know better, would assess the best you have, learn or try to improve what might harm himself or others and all be faced with a problem in my opinion very important, anonymity, unknown feeling, loss of self identity.

I have thought many times that I've become what I am because the circumstances, the environment, the education I had, the teachers that have touched me, parents who have educated me, friends I have influenced the work I've done more or less liking, disgust, surprise and the way that life itself has been teaching me, I have done so in this way. My question is;
_ Is the person born, or do they?. The three options would be good but that certainly is acting out in our day to day, each in its time.

On the other hand I am of those who feel that the opinion of others always referring to people who really loves you and knows you, if I give, but be tough and I'm sure things would I ache more than offend me, because I would have things to be myself, help me come to understand everything written above.
How important is it to you the truth about yourselves?, Would you be willing to listen?, I suggest a day when you are ready, and my choice will be a part of me and my life perhaps makes more sense .
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