NEWSPAPER (March 2011)
03/27/1911 ----------------------
Of why not share the enthusiasm of many of the revolutions in the Middle East; a shout about recycling of revolutions
"School of the CIA to give coup" by Tony Cartalucci
Trinity Ground First highlighted by the geopolitical analyst and historian Dr Webster Tarpley, these suspicious similarities can be seen between Egyptian revolts and other such as the lifting of Serbia supported by the United States. Serbia's Otpor organization was founded with the help of millions of dollars from the U.S. American organization National Endowment for Democracy. Your signature could be seen in the logos appearing on flags, jerseys, posters carrying the puppets of the U.S. Department of State until the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000.
exact same logo of the Serbs may be 11 years later at the other end of the Mediterranean Sea on the streets of Cairo, illustrating clearly the ridiculous nature of the Egyptian uprising backed by the West. Is this really just a guess and Dr. Tarpley could be far from the truth?. There seems to be the case.
After the success of Otpor in Serbia, would be funded from the West and became a university to blows status of the CIA, under the name of CANVAS, "Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies." (Center for Applied nonviolent actions and strategies). It seems that after the April 6 in Egypt Youth Movement attended the request of the Department of State USA in New York in 2008 and make a visit to the CANVAS in 2009. Hence, it appears that the movement made its "curriculum" and apparently its logo and began designing the band funded by the U.S. in Egypt.
Among the current "partners" in CANVAS are the Albert Einstein Institution, Freedom House, and the International Republican Institute (IRI). The IRI includes among its board of directors known people like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Brent Scowcroft. When Mc Cain said "we should have seen this coming" in relation to the riots in Egypt, obviously does not speak of himself, since he helped design all of this happened directly.
Look with your own eyes fraud quite shamelessly that is forged against you, and the general public by the corporate media, the U.S. State Department and all the false leaders who have simulated ignorance and surprise at the riots premeditated and meticulously planned and are still developing in the Middle East today. Nevermore
believe a word of what you say. -on-the-recycle-of-the-revolution / # more-6231
... ... ... ... ...
Israel launches Steel Dome against projectiles
Gaza JERUSALEM, 27 (EUROPA PRESS) El Israeli army has deployed this Sunday short-range missile system known as Iron Dome, a move that in theory would allow the military full flight intercept any missile launched from the Gaza Strip against Israeli territory.
The interceptor missile batteries, radars and control and monitoring systems have had a cost of about $ 200 million, but the security of Israeli communities in the south has been a policy priority for the authorities since Palestinian militias begin launching homemade rockets from Gaza.
Mobile devices have been deployed a few miles from each other on the perimeter of the Palestinian enclave and operators of the Israeli Air Force have begun to set up the system, Israeli media reported.
system is expected to be operational this evening, but the Army has warned that by the time it is an "experiment operation." The system will not operate at full capacity until some time.
The system uses cameras and radar to track missiles and has the capacity to allow sending data to an interceptor system in seconds.
... ... ... ... .... Politicians want
citizens "meek"
We have become tame. If not, you can not understand how to accept certain things without question. We accept that pensions fall while putting billions of our money to prop up non-viable financial institutions, and, make no mistake, are kept alive to keep the light out the responsibilities they may have the administrators shall basically politicians who have created a hole and officially reached 30,000 million euros (12,000 and "borrowed" by the FROB, 15,000 recognized authorities will be needed to recapitalize institutions), and possibly much that hole is because resources have been used to provide loans to people related or as a form of do-or-pay political favors How many pension could be paid with that money? How many hospitals could be built? But is that managers are, remain, none have lost the post-political, and protect each other. Protect it will cost between 30,000 and 100,000 million, depending on who performed the analysis. And, except for some journalists, politicians silent course, nobody says anything. We are meek.
... ... ... ... ...
Spain - A PP MEP amended a law to the dictates of the pressure of a 'lobby'
false Maria Ramirez MEP introduced an amendment to a directive to protect the rights of small investors.
In return, its partners offered a position with 100,000 euros paid a generous annual or minutes as a consultant. MEP did not charge for their services. But he was with the work and even published in the European Parliament the amendment with the same words that had suggested the reporters, as recorded in the official record of the institution.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 03/11/1926
Moscow warns
considered "occupation" any ground military operation
MOSCOW, 26 (EUROPA PRESS) The Russian ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, has warned that any military operation by foreign troops land in Libya would be considered an "occupation" the North African country since it contravenes the requirements of the Security Council's resolution of the UN.
... ... ... ... ... .... Some lies about the war in Libya
by Thierry Meyssan Thierry
Meyssan, although sympathetic to the uprising against the regime of Muammar el-Qaddafi, is opposed to resolution 1973 and stands against the war. In previous articles showed the imperialist objectives of this operation. In this work, Meyssan points out the lies of the propaganda leading Atlanticist.
is said that in war the first casualty is truth. Military operations in Libya and the resolution 1973 which serves as a legal basis are the exception not the rule. Are presented to the public as necessary to protect the civilian victim of indiscriminate repression of Colonel Kadhafi. Actually have classical imperialist objectives. Here are some clarifying elements.
... ... ... ... .. The slogans of "humanitarian mission"
Media War: How the manipulation of information with Libya
The manipulation of information, with the "demonization" of Kadafi and concealment of the true objectives pursued by the imperial alliance is key to negates the role of "invasive" (the imperial coalition) and the role of the "invaded" (Libya and its people suffering from the imperial alliance bombing.) The media blitz with headlines directed psychologically atomizing dichotomous with slogans of "Evil" (Gaddafi and his regime) and "Good" (the coalition) draws a curtain of smoke over the resulting (mass casualty and destruction of the country) and the objectives (the seizure of Libya and its oil). Thus, the international media channels become the greater legitimacy and justification of international military operation to Libya's crumbling and its civilian population during 24 hours.
By Manuel Frey
,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25/03/1911
At least 100 civilians killed in Libya
At least 100 civilians have been killed since bombing stopped last Saturday in Libya made the imperialist forces led by the United States (U.S.) United Kingdom and France, with the supposed aim of "protecting" the population, officials said Thursday.
Libyan government spokesman, Ibrahim Musa, gave the provisional balance of victims left by the foreign offense.
"I can not give the latest figures but we have received about 100''and" Yes, they are civilians, "Ibrahim stressed in a press conference.
For its part, the special envoy of teleSUR Tripoli, Jordan Rodriguez, reported from the capital city cemetery where the burial was made of 12 civilians killed during NATO airstrikes.
''Now we come to the city cemetery. We note the coffins of 12 victims killed civilians in the town of Tajura, on the outskirts of Tripoli, a product of the bombings launched by the coalition military forces of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization North),''Rodriguez said.
added that during the funeral attendees wondered''if this is what you really want the United Nations Organization (UNO).''
already worth my money to be used to save a few banks that I have no interest to save and that the adjustments made in my ailing economy desperately seeking to postpone the inevitable fall of a cruel, grossly unfair and based on a mathematical impossible invented for greed and theft, but I also have to swallow to kill other human beings can help someone, DO NOT PASS AROUND. NO TO WAR. NOT WITH MY MONEY. IN MY NAME, NO.
... ... ... ... ... ... 'The Puppet Masters, the last three years I moved the disappearance of the boxes'
Joan Antoni Melé Cartañá, deputy general manager of Triodos Bank in Spain, the financial institution of "ethics" has branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany and Spain
MIGUEL MANSO. PALMA Melé Joan Antoni (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1951) left 55 years the savings bank where he worked for Triodos, which is defined as the first bank "ethical and sustainable Europe. The crisis, he says, "has awakened consciences." Yesterday held a conference in Palma invited by the Department of Social Welfare.
"Among the different scenarios that handles Standard & Poor's, the most apocalyptic talk of job losses from 25% to 64,000 million hole in the banks. Do we know everything that happens in the English financial sector?
"Not because there are people pulling the strings.
- Who?
-three years ago, a person related to the policy explained in detail how the box would disappear, how to become banks and, after its merger, would be very few companies in Spain. At that time I said no paranoid ideas had but three years later it has happened what I said. Or is it a guess or someone prepares this. History is why we allow ourselves to be manipulated and do things with our money in the world contrary to our principles. Standard & Poor's may raise the picture but he wants half a year before the collapse of Enron said it was wonderful. I can not change governments, but say what I do with my work and my money.
... ... ... ... ... .. a wick in the tinderbox of the Middle East
The CIA coups are spread: Now it was his turn to Syria
Stuck in the bombing of Libya, Gaddafi still alive, kicking, and exterminating the CIA operatives in its territory, now cross the axis USA-EU-Israel go through Syria. A "heavyweight" of the "axis of evil", which overlap with Iran, Gaza and Lebanon, can be converted to the new "popular uprising" of the CIA in the big match of the tinderbox of the Middle East. By Manuel Frey
... ... ... ... .... Julio Anguita, on the intervention in Libya
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 03/11/1924
Israel considers the West should threaten Syria and Iran as it did with Libya
Foreign Affairs Minister Avigdor Lieberman, has stressed on Thursday that Western countries should threaten to take action against Syria and Iran as they did with Libya on the grounds that both countries pose a greater threat to security.
... ... ... ... .... Clashes in Brussels against plans to cut
Organizers say that about than 20,000 people gathered at noon in the area to protest the cuts and the adjustment measures taken by various community partners. The police, meanwhile, reduces that figure to 12,000.
... ... ... ... ... ... NASA confirms that the earthquake shook the Earth's axis and
shortened day 9 Earthquake magnitude on the Richter scale that struck Japan on March 11, should have changed the Earth's axis and shortened days, according to NASA scientists.
... ... ... ... ... ... Banks are guilty and must face their responsibilities
The recent international financial crisis emerged in summer 2007 when the products with the trading and banking speculation proved worthless. In previous years the U.S. banking system had succulent benefits a business based on a speculative bubble that eventually had to burst. Indeed, the five major U.S. investment banks benefits in 2006 were valued at 130,000 million dollars, excluding bonuses and allowances.
But the whole financial system has benefited from U.S. financial euphoria and, through channels that allow globalization, banks and financial institutions of all countries could also inflate their benefits accounts. Thanks to financial deregulation, and blindness of central banks face a growing risk and systemic able to develop many complex financial instruments that allowed extending the financial bubble in time and globalize its benefits and risks. The bank did not waste this opportunity, on the other hand she had promoted and exploited every opportunity to do more and more benefits.
However, although not often enough noted, banks did not only benefits derived from a context of deregulation and creating a financial bubble that no one in government knew they also needed to provide base their mortgage pyramid scheme in which some authors have called a true financial exploitation.
22/03/1911 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Imperialists in the trap
The lesson of Libya: A zombie can only kill a zombie
system in Libya bottomed. The decline and the irrationality of the dominant powers is shown in all its splendor. Live and direct. The independent variable is oil. Functional logic is mass murder. The show will place the bombs and missiles art, death and suffering borne by the Libyan people. Divided CIA, Pentagon kills, UN sanctified. Accompany the Central Powers. But only accompany the winner. A key to understanding what's coming.
By Manuel Frey
military strike on Libya indisputable proof: The imperial capitalist system centered on the axis USA-EU-Israel goes unpunished. And alone. Has not strategic enemy. Can invade and kill or forgive, at its discretion.
The apparatus of the world press and analysts are theirs and mercenaries to full service, 24 hours a day.
global society, at different levels of society, is alienated and just repeat slogans media manipulators.
world's governments (except a few like Venezuela and Cuba) are mere branch management of the central powers and their transnational corporations that have turned the planet into a market without frontiers.
The left has become a fundamentalist ideological mosaic incoherent and incapable of strategic analysis only recite slogans of "left vs. right war," integrated into the system.
U.S. and powers (as was again demonstrated with Libya) can massacring civilians from the air and delete an entire country to misilazos, but no one would move a hair.
Indifference and collective alienation is the greatest triumph of the system.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21/03/1911
The "Sunday Times" revealed cases of corruption among MEPs
European Parliament members routinely accept illegal payments in exchange for amendments to EU laws to favor lobbyists, according to a report today, the British newspaper "The Sunday Times."
this newspaper reporters posing as members of these groups and milestone payments negotiated with three MEPs, who agreed to push to dilute the EU directive with which it wishes to give greater protection to citizens affected by any bank collapses .
The three MEPs are former Romanian Foreign Minister Adrian Severin, former Austrian Interior Minister Strasser Enrst and former Slovenian Foreign Minister Zoran Thaler.
The "Sunday Times" were filmed and recorded negotiating payment for political services and e-mails released show that this publication as "one of the biggest scandals in the 53 years of the European Parliament."
(...), 0ffe873c952de210VgnVCM10000098f154d0RCRD.html
... ... ... .. Israel admits having kidnapped the head of the Gaza power plant
Israel has admitted having kidnapped in Ukraine Dirar Abu Sisi, the director of operations of Gaza's only power plant as part of an investigation and now is detained in an Israeli prison, as reported on Sunday the Israeli newspaper online edition of Haaretz.
... ... ... ... ... Public pressure has caused great changes in the country
Iceland, a country that punishes the bankers to blame for the crisis
The vast majority of Western people say dreams since 2008 "No" to the banks, but no one has dared to do so. No one except the Icelanders, who have carried out a peaceful revolution that has managed not only to overthrow a government and draft a new constitution, but jail those responsible for the country's economic debacle.
last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik (Iceland's capital) for their responsibility in the financial collapse of Iceland in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that changed the course of the country.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3/20/1911
Direct Testimony about the events in Libya
Leonor Massanet, a Majorcan who spends long periods in Libya and expert the country and its people gives us an independent witness, oblivious to the political interests of the mass media on the current complicated situation in this nation in the Maghreb. .com / watch? v = 1ol5gaFSthE
... ... ... ... ... ... Warning imminent earthquake in North America
retired USGS geologist Jim Berkland, who is credited with the prediction (with four days in advance) the magnitude 6.9 earthquake in 1989 in San Francisco Bay, said that North America seems to be at imminent risk of a major earthquake. Berkland says that the months of October, March and April are historically the months when the most powerful earthquakes have beaten the San Francisco Bay. It also links the 'superluna' March 19, the day after the equinoctial tides. A "seismic window", according to Berkland, is developing between 19 and 26 March. Berkland also implies that the recent massive fish kills in Redondo Beach and Acapulco are not the result of the earthquake in Japan or its consequences, but rather signs (changes in the magnetic field) of an earthquake is on the west coast North America.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... U.S.: arrested a hundred people protesting outside the White House
About a hundred activists were arrested Saturday against the White House during a protest to mark the eighth anniversary of the Iraq war.
Among those arrested was Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon analyst who handed in the 70 disputed documents known about the Vietnam War to The New York Times.
Ellsberg said in a Twitter message that "this is a good day to be arrested at the White House."
(...) . html
... ... ... ... ... .. Imperial Attack Libya Bombing shatters
mass: Now the time and play dead for Kadafi
The dead and mark the development time, the outcome, and that resulting from the operation to control Libya and its oil, ending with Kadafi. And as the experts say: The surprises may outweigh the certainties, and Libya, in the absence of a rapid fall of the ruling regime may be a new trap for the imperial forces. By Manuel Frey
changed the box, there were a quantum leap, now the time and play dead for Kadafi. The massive bombing
"surgical" from aircraft, ships and submarines have left more of 64 dead and dozens wounded civilians, according to medical reports.
In this scenario, the "mistakes collateral imperial coalition (read death and destruction on a massive scale) and they are bringing to Gaddafi the role of" villain "to make them a" victim. "
The ferocity of the attack in the early hours imperial paled repression and attacks by government troops against gangs "rebels" of the CIA that paved the way for U.S. military intervention and the powers in Libya.
All international media campaign to "demonize" Kadafi and justify the intervention Libyan oil seizure, collapsed when a single U.S. submarine launched 110 missiles against "military objectives" and that in reality struck populated areas indiscriminately killing men, women and children Libyans.
The front Russia-China-Iran-Turkey, Venezuela and the line of Muslim countries "axis of evil", wait patiently for the missiles and bombs begin to pile up corpses and destruction to call for ceasefire and establish an international mediating committee Kadafi let up and bounded.
same European powers expect as Italy (the biggest beneficiary of the oil present Kadafi) and Germany background whose position is still to negotiate with Gaddafi, rather than overthrow it.
if clockwise continue to work with Kadafi in place, more will be more clear about the true objectives of the attack and its main beneficiary, the U.S., currently receives only 6% of Libyan oil.
In short, the dead and mark the development time, and the resulting outcome of the operation to control Libya. And as the experts say: The surprises may outweigh the certainties, and Libya could become a new trap for the imperial forces.
19/03/1911 The Shock Doctrine
... ... ... ... .... United States will comply with the no-fly zone
The first step is to clean the sky and destroy the bombers Libyan air defenses, while the second will address the main positions of the tanks and artillery Gaddafi. This is the information received yesterday at the Capitol U.S. senators by the White House.
... ... ... ... ... .. Response military intervention
Strategy: Gaddafi declares a "ceasefire" to avoid NATO attack
After U.S., UK and France announced (after the Security Council resolution) that will initiate military action immediate against Libya, the regime led by Muammar Gaddafi, in a clear tactical response-oriented argument and take a basis for the international invasion against his country, unilaterally declared a "ceasefire" in "compliance" of the UN resolution. Kadafi's government announced that the measure is intended to "protect civilians" and "safeguarding human rights", the basis of argument (formal, since the real goal is oil) wielded by the United Nations to authorize military action against Libya. This resolution, finally fed Kadafi tactical action to declare a "ceasefire" within a delaying tactic designed to neutralize or delay a military strike in preparation. The measure announced by the Libyan leader seems to be oriented strategically deepen divisions in NATO and to sharpen the contradictions of U.S. and European Union Libyan oil around. In a first reaction, France said that Kadafi remains a "threat." The line that surely will U.S. and UK, which complete the tripod that announced an attack on Libya "in hours."
11/03/1917 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
In an interview
the EuroNews channel Gaddafi's son says Libya paid the electoral campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy
Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saif al Islam, has revealed in an interview with Euronews that his father financed the current presidential campaign French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
When asked what opinion he deserved that France was the first country to recognize the Transitional National Council (of the rebels, based in Benghazi), Saif al Islam replied: "First, Sarkozy must return to Libya money it took to finance his campaign. It was us who finance his campaign, have all the details and are ready to reveal them. "
continues: "So the first thing I ask this clown is returning the money to the Libyans. Because he gave the aid to act on behalf of the Libyan people. But we have disappointed Sarkozy. Give us back the money. We have all the details, bank accounts, documents and movements of the transfers. I tell you all very soon. "
... ... ... ... .... EXCLUSIVE - Gaddafi's son shows that Libya paid Sarkozy's election campaign
Video the-bell-electoral-de-sarkozy /
... ... ... ... .... Gaddafi: "Do not forget the West. We will not share our oil "
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi rejected their Western partners, saying he will give all the country's oil contracts to Russia, China and India. 4944-Gaddafi-not-forget-to-West-No-le-give-our-oil-
... ... ... ... ... Brussels warns: "In just hours we can attend a new catastrophe in Fukushima"
"In the next few hours we run the risk of attending a new catastrophe of great danger for the inhabitants and welfare" of Japan, said in his appearance today at the Environment Committee European Parliament, and after saying yesterday that the situation of the nuclear plant was "out of control."
Serious consequences would follow from the fact that "the new accident can affect the urban conurbation of Tokyo, with 35 million people," warned Oettinger, who nevertheless has been in favor of "do not panic."
... ... ... ... ... .. EU Commissioner sowing panic Oettinger
Effect: 20 minutes of terror on the stock exchanges around the world
"The orders were not on screen. The magnitude of the sell-all systems overflowed," said one trader. Günther Oettinger, who yesterday called apocalyptic situation in Japan, has warned of a new imminent catastrophe. Nerves have been unleashed on the stock around the world.
... ... ... ... ... .. The collapse of the capitalist system
serial disasters in Japan and signs of nuclear apocalypse
With Japan is as if he had broken a notice of the Apocalypse. But this is not the Bible or God's wrath. This is an action-reaction mathematical emerging depredations of global capitalism. It is a principle factor accumulation. A numerical equation. Addition and subtraction, of irrational actions of a system of world domination that lead to an interactive outcome. Converging lines of Revelation (economic, social and environmental) are moving towards a single outcome: The destruction of the planet with us on it. Manuel Frey
climate in chain broke on several fronts, the world economy collapses and collapses the economic and financial model on a global scale, the unemployed, the marginalized and the hungry and amount to half the human population, and conflicts intercapitalist for markets and strategic resources are creating and raising a climate of tension fueled by a global military nuclear arms race.
Earthquakes, an unusual intensity rains throughout the southern hemisphere, historic snowfall in the eastern U.S. and northern Europe, devastating droughts in the same areas where floods wipe out entire populations.
avalanches, forest fires, flooding rivers and oceans, melting monumental, massive famines, oil spills spreading like a stain killer of life, like the one already installed in the southern U.S..
process is not isolated, but a systemic collapse.
The capitalist system is based on mathematics (addition, multiplication and subtraction) and an original axiom to build goodwill: Buy low, sell high, and generate private returns to social work.
Even if it has to be condemned to hunger and poverty on a mass majority (and growing) of humans and destroy the planet that contains them.
And the four horsemen of the apocalypse that mark the emerging and declining (yet controlled) system also arrive at large dominant mathematics.
social Revelation accumulation reached by mathematical hungry, unemployed and poor worldwide.
The environmental apocalypse arrives mathematical compounding environmental destruction worldwide.
The nuclear apocalypse arrives mathematical compounding of military conflict (intercapitalist) for the survival of powers within the system.
... ... ... ... .... Scientists puzzled by earthquakes
Japanese seismicists and geologists are being doubtful about the recent Great East Japan earthquake with 9 magnitude and killed over ten thousand people on last Friday, saying it was abnormal phenomenon.
"Nobody could tell the reasons about this strange phenomenon, " a prominent Japanese geophysicist Professor Michio Hashizume, who is lecturer of Chulalongkorn Univesity's Department of Geology.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15-3-11
Bruselas: 'La situación tras el accidente apocalyptic nuclear Japan '
EU Energy Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, has described the situation after the nuclear accident in Japan "apocalypse" and said that local authorities have virtually lost control of the situation in Central Fukushima.
"We are talking about Revelation, and I think the word is well chosen," said the commissioner before a European Parliament committee in Brussels. "Almost everything is out of control," he added.
"I hope not the worst happens, but we can not exclude the worst happens in the coming hours and days," warned the Commissioner for Energy.
... ... ... ... .. two children killed in NATO bombing in Kunar
KABUL, 15 (Reuters) Two children have died in a NATO air bombardment while irrigating a field in the Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan according Chawki district chief, Abdul Marjan and parliamentary Shahzada Shahid.
... ... ... ... ... .. markets collapse, the crisis Fears
: Japan is preparing for a disaster is radioactive and
global alarm on Tuesday Japan was facing a potential radioactive catastrophe after explosions in two reactors at a nuclear plant hit by the earthquake on Friday to send low levels of particles radioactive to Tokyo. It is estimated that the economic downturn in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami to sweep across Asia in the coming weeks. This worsening the economic landscape of the region at a time when it was struggling against the effects of rising oil prices and food prices.
14/03/1911 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
A study by Indian scientists, demonstrates the impact of solar storms
seismic activity are very brave, and have hardly been publicized in the scientific community. However, the study that we present here, no room for doubt. The seismic shocks depend on signals originating from VLF originating in the lower layers of the ionosphere, which occur as a result of particle flow (electromagnetic waves) from solar storms. The work has been done by the Singh brothers, Vikram and Birbal, and his team scientist at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, the RBS College. The document was finally published on April 19, 2010, after passing peer review.
(...) la-seismic activity /
... ... ... ... .... New impact of coronal mass emission in the magnetosphere on March 13, 2011 A new storm
Solar, is now coming to Earth.
can see the diagram of impact on magnetosphere: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
03/11/1913 Tokai: Interrupted cooling circuit of another central
MADRID, 13 (EUROPA PRESS) Firefighters Japanese have reported that the pumping system of the cooling circuit of the Tokai nuclear power plant, about 120 kilometers north of Tokyo, is not working.
... ... ... ... ... ... The 'Super Moon' : A new threat to Earth?
March 19 the people of 'Blue Planet' will see the face of the moon visible from closer than a few times before. According to the scientists say, that night the moon is at perigee (the point of its elliptical orbit that is closest to the center of the Earth) and bring us closer to 356,600 kilometers away, a phenomenon that usually occurs once in several decades.
Even with the naked eye from Earth to the Moon appear to grow, because the angular size of the lunar disk in the sky to reach 0.56 degrees, which visually is 10% more than usual. According
Media commented, the astronomical event has been nicknamed the 'Super Moon' and could cause earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity and other natural disasters.
The influence of the moon on the earth at the time of perigee of 19 March, in effect exceed normal, but there is no reason to expect any disaster related to this, said a research assistant at the Astronomical Institute of the Academy Shternberg Sciences of Russia, Vladimir surdina.
The scientist explained that in general the moon exerts a considerable influence on the Earth, causing distortions in the oceans (ie, tidal) and in the earth's crust (the so-called "tidal land"). But this is regularly, twice every 24 hours, the Earth's surface rises and falls about half a meter. This effect is increased by 30% during periods of full moon and new moon, when the satellite is aligned with the Sun on the same side or opposite sides of the earth and the influence of the 'sun king' is added to the Luna.
... ... ... ... .... . uncovered in a police Egyptian torture chambers of the CIA
in Cairo (Egypt), some 2,500 people managed to break into a police station in Medinet Nasr district, where they found with eight floors underground torture chambers belonging to the CIA. Said commissioner
was used during the administration of George W. Bush to torture suspects kidnapped by the CIA during the "war on terror" as anticipated Wikileaks.
The activists were led into the building through the stories of many people, old interrogated and tortured there, over the phone or in person, indicating where they were had secret doors, bins, cabinets with incriminating documents and objects.
According to the account of some participants, there were several video game consoles. "To take a few games between torture and torture, "he says with a black humor is not without anger.
have also found many incriminating papers, which in many cases were prepared to be burned or piled into several vehicles to be removed from the building.
... ... ... ... ... .. USA - Protesters around the country demonstrating against mortgage fraud bankers in Washington [ENG]
Hundreds of demonstrators from around the country are going to Washington to meet with the 50 attorneys general in the nation's capital, demanding criminal proceedings against mortgage bankers and managers charged mortgage fraud and other abuses. Foreclosure
Protesters Descend On Washington.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3/12/1911
The Japanese authorities warn of a possible radioactive leak
TOKYO 12 (Reuters) The Japanese authorities have warned that there could be a small radioactive leak in a reactor core Fukusima-Daichii by a failure in the cooling system caused by the earthquake of 8.9 degrees recorded on Friday in the northeastern coast of the country.
The company that owns the plant, the Corporation Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has reported that increased pressure within the reactor after the cooling system should fail as a result of the earthquake.
Japanese authorities have explained that the pressure has affected the nuclear plant will be released soon, which could cause a radioactive leak. According to Kyodo news agency, some 3,000 people residing within a radius of three kilometers around the plant have been evacuated.
... ... ... ... ... ... radiation around the plant in Fukushima than a thousand times normal levels
MADRID, 11 (EUROPA PRESS) The amount of radiation detected around the nuclear power-Daichii Fukusima, affected by the earthquake of 8, 9 degrees that has plagued the northeast of Japan, is a thousand times higher than normal levels, according to the Agency for Nuclear and Industrial Safety, quoted by Kyodo news agency.
Japanese authorities had warned that there could be a small radioactive leak in a reactor core by a failure in the cooling system. According to Kyodo
, some 3,000 people residing within a radius of three kilometers around the plant have been evacuated, but the Government has asked to leave the area people who are less than ten kilometers from the nuclear facilities.
... ... ... ... .... Japan Earthquake Analysis from TGTRPT. Solar storm and seismic activity
The devastating earthquake of 8.8 magnitude on the Richter scale has rocked Japan today may have moved nearly 10 inches the axis of rotation of the Earth, according to a preliminary study of the National Institute Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy (INGV).
The INGV, which since 1999 has studied numerous seismic events recorded in Italy, including the devastating earthquake in the region of Abruzzo from April 6, 2009, explained in a note that the impact of the earthquake in Japan on the axis Earth may be the second largest on record.
Argentina: U.S. Pressures Crime in Favor of Monsanto
While environmentalists and farmers discussed the harmful effects of GM soy or use of glyphosate, Monsanto got the United States government represent their interests in Argentina
Along the government of Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández first later, senior officials and U.S. congressmen, as well as successive ambassadors lobbied the Government House to provide the company Monsanto to collect royalties for the use of GM seeds. What began as a serious battle, with soymeal shipments seized at European ports in 2004 and 2005, he headed negotiations on the new generation of seeds, leaving the Monsanto attempts to collect, according to a series of cables Wikileaks leaked by those who had access Página/12.
... ... ... ... .... The new age promised in Afghanistan has brought only a corrupt political system that favors the criminals and drug trafficking
[These days we talk about a possible U.S. military intervention and NATO in Libya, allegedly with the intention to avoid a bloodbath between the population by Gaddafi's troops. In this context we should recall the experience of other invasions led by those forces against dictatorial governments and with the apparent purpose of establishing democratic regimes. We reproduce below extracts from Afghanistan Rights Monitor report on civilian casualties of the war in Afghanistan. The full report can be read from the ARM website:]
A long war, costly and deadly
For many Americans and Europeans, the war in Afghanistan began in October 2001, when coalition forces attacked the Taliban's brutal regime, who had given shelter and support to international terrorists drivers of the September 11 attacks in the United States of America. The tyranny of the Taliban was defeated in a few weeks and then promised a new era of peace to the Afghan people weary of war.
More than nine years after the Taliban kill and destroy more and more openly in his attempt to regain power. They fight against tens of thousands of U.S. troops, NATO and the Afghan government, which bombed and fired on anything that smacks of Taliban and other armed opposition groups. Between two fires are the millions of Afghan civilians and noncombatants are killed, tortured, harassed and forced to leave their homes for whom it branded as supporters of the government and foreign invaders or those who accuse them of being "terrorists, insurgents or Taliban directly.
... ... ... ... ... .... folder Attack: NATO is planning a military intervention against Kadafi
The NATO Military Committee asked the partner to begin military planning to prepare the "necessary" and "prudent" to deal with "any eventuality" in Libya. The secretary general NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen warned that there will be an international reaction if the forces of Muammar Gaddafi continue to "systematically attacking the civilian population."
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 07/03/1911
More 400 children have died of lead poisoning in Nigeria since November
More than 400 children have died since last November in the region of Zamfara, a region of northern Nigeria in the gold mines are due to poisoning lead, as reported by the National Agency Nigerian Emergency Management Agency (NEMA, for its acronym in English).
Another 400 children died last year between March and October, according to the UN, mainly due to gold mining in open pit illegal sites, resulting in lead contamination of air, soil and water in the region .
... ... ... ... .... Jordan Rodriguez challenges the version of the protesters in Tripoli bombing, as disseminated Telesur journalist
media in Tripoli, "the mainstream media coverage on the conflict in Libya has been miserable"
has the evidence in hand: the press conference he gave on Monday the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs Libya, Khaled Kaem, was not released virtually any medium. The tours, camera in hand, and Tripoli, in which it is shown that there was no bombing (which contradicted the media matrix imposed) and the shops are open, have not been multiplied by the broadcast networks. News teams "have no excuse to say they have not been able to send material" or for not taking "wheels press with government spokesmen, denies Telesur reporter.
... ... ... ... ... large-scale cyber attack against the French presidency of the G20
A large computer attack scale for weeks has affected the French Ministry of Economy, and more particularly to officials of the French presidency of the G20, according to revelations made today by the press and confirmed by official sources.
The attack, which began in December and lasted until last weekend, affecting more than 150 computers in the Ministry, in particular the direction of the Treasury, and documents focused on preparations for the G20 and other international affairs, said 'Paris Match' on its website.
Budget Minister Francois Baroin, said there are several "tracks" to be confirmed on the origin of this infiltration, the first of this scale against the French administration.
... ... ... ... ... .. Coup against the ropes in Libya
Falls the media lie: Kadafi cornered the "rebels" of the CIA
to EFE, a spokeswoman for the operation blatant U.S. coup in Libya, recognizes that the forces of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, are enclosed by blood and Fire-called "rebels" who want to end with the ruling regime and install a quisling government to US-EU axis in oil country. They can no longer remain silent Kadafi's counterattack.
UN calls "emergency access" to theaters of combat and condemned the "disproportionate use of force" by Gaddafi.
And does what it anticipated IAR News: No external military support, the rebellion of the CIA is being exterminated by the military apparatus of the Libyan leader. What other hypotheses may also feeds a week ago ahead of us, military intervention as "only option" to overthrow Gaddafi and Libyan oil remain in control. And so we advance: With Kadafi risen and exterminating their enemies in Libya, explains the "worst case scenario" for imperial US-EU axis. And what is true also advanced: Qaddafi and Libya, and are staged as a bis version of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
With a possibility in the middle: That Kadafi negotiate with the central powers of the EU, with oil as an adjustment variable, and the U.S., as happened in Iraq, see forced to take unilateral military action with the sole support of Israel and / or the United Kingdom. As happened in Iraq.
The similarities are not mere coincidences.
By Manuel Frey
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6-3 - 11
Kadafi corners to the "rebels"
"failed coup of the CIA? NATO is divided and advances the plan as "mediator"
Chavez's Plan A failed to overthrow Gaddafi to "popular protest." Plan B failed armed coup with the "Libyan revolution" orchestrated by the CIA and the Pentagon from Egypt. The "rebels" and admit international agencies are surrounded for three days and under constant attack from the forces of Kadafi. And the signs are that, for the many divisions of the imperial camp, begins to fail the Plan C of the international military intervention to end the president and control the Libyan oil. The plan of "international mediation" presented by Chavez and supported the Arab League and the positions against "foreign interference" in Libya began to be boosted by Russia, China and Iran.
... ... ... ... .... Concerned
The subject of UFOs has long captured the popular imagination but also the attention of governments around the world, show secret documents made public Thursday by the National Archives of the United Kingdom.
documents British Defense Ministry, which will be in the public domain for a month, show how the UFO phenomenon was seriously discussed in high-level talks between governments and security services worldwide, including United Nations Central Intelligence Agency U.S. CIA.
The issue was even discussed at a parliamentary session in the House of Lords, the only one ever held on this issue to date, which took place in 1977.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 - 3-11
Israel thanks the Pope that exempts Jews from the death of Jesus
Rome, 2 (EUROPA PRESS) The Embassy of Israel to the Holy See has thanked "the disparaging remarks by the pope in his new book The second volume of 'Jesus of Nazareth', in which "exempts Jews of responsibility the death of Jesus. "
... ... ... ... .. powers divided and without a clear plan is a question
Libya: Qaddafi Strikes and is reborn from its ashes
Libya entered the field of questions. Kadafi resists, he stands and begins to develop worst-case scenario for the U.S. and the imperial powers that have undergone an operation of isolation and economic strangulation. Now the time factor begins to play for the Libyan leader. And the divisions (produced by oil interests) begin to erode joint imperial decision to intervene militarily in Libya. Manuel Frey
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2-3 - 11
10 truths "awkward" about popular foods
More than 90 percent of the apples, peaches and strawberries contain traces of pesticides, even after washing and peeling. The bluefin tuna or bluefin tuna, have mercury levels higher than those recommended for human intake. 70 percent of U.S. chickens ingested arsenic as an antibiotic. Arsenic is a carcinogen. It also promotes the development of diabetes, heart disease and mental disorders.
... ... ... ... ... .. Shoot against Kadafi
Libya: what the media hide
demonstrations in Benghazi said the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, the CIA-funded organization
By Miguel Urbano Rodrigues - La Haine
After two weeks of initial demonstrations in Benghazi and Tripoli, the disinformation campaign on Libya sowing confusion in the world.
Before proceeding, one certainty: analogies with events in Tunisia and Egypt have no place. These rebellions obviously helped trigger the protests in the streets of the neighboring country of both, but the peculiar characteristics Libyan process inseparable from the strategy of imperialism and conspiracy what can be defined as the metamorphosis of the leader.
Interview ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dr. Angel Gracia - Sea water
Interview with Dr. Angel Gracia - Sea water - 2
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1-3 - 11 TV news
La Opinión de Gabilondo
... ... ... .... President of Yemen, Israel and the U.S. promote unrest in the Arab world
Yemen's President Ali Abdallah Saleh, Israel and the U.S. accuses of instigating unrest in the Middle East, news agencies reported today.
"The riots that are shaking the Arab world from Tunisia to Oman are an orchestrated storm Tel Aviv under the command of Washington," said Saleh.
(...) / noticias/africa/0044_yemen_acusa_eeuu_01mar2011.html
... ... ... ... ... ... ... Conference ex-pilot of a civilian on Sunday March 6 on chemtrails
Polgrossi Loretta, born in Italy, former civilian pilot in 1991, he founded and chairs the association of art and culture "Legami" in collaboration with European associations. A student of ufology, therapist specializing in "contact or abduction syndrome, human reactions to paranormal experiences. (AACC, Close Encounter), responsible ufologist APAVE Association (Association Pilots and Aviators from Spain) will host a conference on chemtrails entitled "Chemtrails: manipulation of time and space" I hope to shed much light on the phenomenon of global spraying.
Here is the extended information about the rapporteur
Here information on the remaining components of the full Congress.
Congress Place: Madrid
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Endemetriosis And Bloating
A planet called trash 03/24/2011 Page 6
every Friday you have an appointment in comics on the net
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
équivalent Du Pilote De Philips Saa 7130 Hl
Bloody Mary
6 tablespoons vodka 1 teaspoon paprika
tried this recipe in a restaurant and liked it so much I had to re-test.
The waiter when asked about the dishes - they were some very original, we recommended that prove, that we would like it and the truth is that full hit.
Ingredients. 18 mussels
3 ripe tomatoes
few drops of tabasco
few drops of soy sauce
pepper and salt.
Clean and wash the mussels.
Open them on fire in a saucepan with half a glass of water.
Once steamed, remove them and remove one of the leaflets.
Blanch the tomatoes, peel and remove seeds recuprenado juice.
crushed in a blender adding the vodka, tabasco, soy paprika, pepper and salt.
Add it to the mussels and bring to boil a couple of minutes.
Serve immediately. Print
Monday, March 21, 2011
Refusing Christmas Gifts
contests comic-bases garbage
every Friday you have an appointment in comics on the net
Friday, March 18, 2011
Breast Cancer Youth Singlets
Mussels Stuffed Mushrooms with Roquefort
I leave these stuffed mushrooms, I did the other night for dinner.
never had made with Roquefort and we liked the flavor it gives them, so I fall a few times. Ingredients
1 kg of mushrooms.
10 sticks of surimi.
1 / 4 onion
50 g of Roquefort.
salt, oil and pepper.
Thoroughly clean the mushrooms and remove the trunk.
Season and place in a pan with a trickle of oil to 180 º for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in the chopper, chop onion, mushroom stems and sticks of surimi.
soaked with a little oil and set aside.
Remove the mushrooms, put them upside down they release all the water and fill with sautéed logs and sticks.
Put a piece of Roquefort on each one and grill for a few minutes.
Serve immediately. Print
I leave these stuffed mushrooms, I did the other night for dinner.
never had made with Roquefort and we liked the flavor it gives them, so I fall a few times. Ingredients
1 kg of mushrooms.
10 sticks of surimi.
1 / 4 onion
50 g of Roquefort.
salt, oil and pepper.
Thoroughly clean the mushrooms and remove the trunk.
Season and place in a pan with a trickle of oil to 180 º for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in the chopper, chop onion, mushroom stems and sticks of surimi.
soaked with a little oil and set aside.
Remove the mushrooms, put them upside down they release all the water and fill with sautéed logs and sticks.
Put a piece of Roquefort on each one and grill for a few minutes.
Serve immediately. Print
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Nud Audiable Alarm System
Japan's economy after the earthquake. Euribor
Perhaps it is not very sensitive
Perhaps it is not very sensitive
analyze the economic consequences of the earthquake, when the only concern should be the victims. It is clear that a catastrophe of this size, one of the most influential economies in the world, will have a significant impact not only within the country but on international markets.
Japan faces a rebuilding effort with a public debt currently accounts for 200% of your product, but only 5% of it is in the hands of foreigners, and the rest is absorbed by banks, insurance companies and domestic pension funds. The interest rate is only ten years 1.3%, in a country where consumer prices decrease. So far all the investors who have ever bet on a rate hike by increasing debt, plus the fact that agencies have lowered the credit rating of the country have been wrong. However, this extraordinary effort of the government deficit has failed to sufficiently encourage the economy and domestic consumption grows a little. Now, the reconstruction will have a public and a private component, the first will be an additional debt that will be subscribed by foreign investors and will surely lead to a rise in interest rate debt, a good thing to maintain profitability and pay pensions deprived of an aging population.
As companies in Japan have cheap and abundant credit, little debt and are seeking investment opportunities abroad rather than within. Now the industry will have to replenish stocks and to meet the demand for infrastructure and housing repair, thus recovering part manufacturing industry in decline over the past two decades. The country's employment rate is 98% and unemployment is less than 5%, the weak growth of the relatively small population and immigration (from China, Korea, Brazil and Peru) have avoided a problem of unemployment, despite low economic growth, which provides about 2%. The margin that leaves the current unemployment, although small, and immigration will help to have the labor involved in reconstruction and industrial expansion.
Moreover, the problem with nuclear reactors generates uncertainty about the evolution of energy costs. However, the yen appreciates to return money to the country by investors and insurers. There will be a new momentum in trade with the countries of the region, correcting the growing export surpluses of Japan and stimulating domestic demand, domestic price increase would, in these circumstances, a very good stimulus for production.
not the first time a disaster serves to restore economic activity in countries that have material, human and financial. But above all, shows how in these circumstances are set aside wars internal fiscal and foreign exchange trading, and spontaneous solidarity appears showing that there are other values \u200b\u200bbeyond those that reflect the quantities and prices. Gumersindo
Japan faces a rebuilding effort with a public debt currently accounts for 200% of your product, but only 5% of it is in the hands of foreigners, and the rest is absorbed by banks, insurance companies and domestic pension funds. The interest rate is only ten years 1.3%, in a country where consumer prices decrease. So far all the investors who have ever bet on a rate hike by increasing debt, plus the fact that agencies have lowered the credit rating of the country have been wrong. However, this extraordinary effort of the government deficit has failed to sufficiently encourage the economy and domestic consumption grows a little. Now, the reconstruction will have a public and a private component, the first will be an additional debt that will be subscribed by foreign investors and will surely lead to a rise in interest rate debt, a good thing to maintain profitability and pay pensions deprived of an aging population.
As companies in Japan have cheap and abundant credit, little debt and are seeking investment opportunities abroad rather than within. Now the industry will have to replenish stocks and to meet the demand for infrastructure and housing repair, thus recovering part manufacturing industry in decline over the past two decades. The country's employment rate is 98% and unemployment is less than 5%, the weak growth of the relatively small population and immigration (from China, Korea, Brazil and Peru) have avoided a problem of unemployment, despite low economic growth, which provides about 2%. The margin that leaves the current unemployment, although small, and immigration will help to have the labor involved in reconstruction and industrial expansion.
Moreover, the problem with nuclear reactors generates uncertainty about the evolution of energy costs. However, the yen appreciates to return money to the country by investors and insurers. There will be a new momentum in trade with the countries of the region, correcting the growing export surpluses of Japan and stimulating domestic demand, domestic price increase would, in these circumstances, a very good stimulus for production.
not the first time a disaster serves to restore economic activity in countries that have material, human and financial. But above all, shows how in these circumstances are set aside wars internal fiscal and foreign exchange trading, and spontaneous solidarity appears showing that there are other values \u200b\u200bbeyond those that reflect the quantities and prices. Gumersindo
(Grupo Joly 03/15/2011)
How To Delete Gpsphone Saves
Euribor NEVER thought that would create so many expectations and raise many fears. The rate at which banks lend between them is the data on which are regularly renewed the rates of variable rate mortgages, and for a country where 70% of household savings is invested in housing, this is critical. The suggestion of the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) that could soon get the guy who pays the Bank, and serves as a reference, has caused a wave of speculation and anxiety, for now, the euro appreciated and change to $ 1.40, and the interest rate on government debt have also risen.
There are four issues directly related to Euribor are truths that we should not ignore. The first is that the relationship between Euribor and the rate of ECB is not immediate. Currently the Bank rate is 1% and Euribor goes from 1.50% in January to 1.70% in February and 1.90%, this difference is not always the same and in the last decade, removing years unstable crises, moving from zero to 0.75%. This tells us that the Euribor, which is the type that interests us because mortgages and contracts are indexed to it, can be higher or lower even without increases by the ECB.
Second, the problem of credit for the company is now more of availability and price of money, which in general is not the most significant within the cost structure of a company. As for mortgages, the price of housing has been high and credit is too low, and as it became obvious the interest rate has not taken credit risk. This leads us to consider the Euribor from a different perspective to the issue future loans will not be if it is higher or lower, but the differential is applied by the financial institutions will be around 4 or 5 %.
Another issue, and this would be the third point is whether it is justified to raise the reference rate by the ECB. The current inflation in the European economies is caused by increased energy prices, raw materials, basic foodstuffs, and elevation taxes. If this is so foolish it is to combat inflation that is not due to a pressure of consumer demand, raising the interest rate. The problem of raw materials and energy must be viewed from another perspective, and should not lose the nerves to the central banks.
Finally, strong increases Euribor have responded to fears among banks would not lend to each other. If the ECB decided nevertheless to raise the interest rate to 0.25% should take care not to stress liquidity in the interbank market, so that the spread between Euribor and the Bank rate was reduced, and increase will not affect mortgages and contracts subject to renewal. Thus the Bank could make the gesture of its willingness to fulfill its role as guardian against inflation, and avoid the higher cost of mortgages involving a decrease in the already weak consumer demand. Gumersindo
There are four issues directly related to Euribor are truths that we should not ignore. The first is that the relationship between Euribor and the rate of ECB is not immediate. Currently the Bank rate is 1% and Euribor goes from 1.50% in January to 1.70% in February and 1.90%, this difference is not always the same and in the last decade, removing years unstable crises, moving from zero to 0.75%. This tells us that the Euribor, which is the type that interests us because mortgages and contracts are indexed to it, can be higher or lower even without increases by the ECB.
Second, the problem of credit for the company is now more of availability and price of money, which in general is not the most significant within the cost structure of a company. As for mortgages, the price of housing has been high and credit is too low, and as it became obvious the interest rate has not taken credit risk. This leads us to consider the Euribor from a different perspective to the issue future loans will not be if it is higher or lower, but the differential is applied by the financial institutions will be around 4 or 5 %.
Another issue, and this would be the third point is whether it is justified to raise the reference rate by the ECB. The current inflation in the European economies is caused by increased energy prices, raw materials, basic foodstuffs, and elevation taxes. If this is so foolish it is to combat inflation that is not due to a pressure of consumer demand, raising the interest rate. The problem of raw materials and energy must be viewed from another perspective, and should not lose the nerves to the central banks.
Finally, strong increases Euribor have responded to fears among banks would not lend to each other. If the ECB decided nevertheless to raise the interest rate to 0.25% should take care not to stress liquidity in the interbank market, so that the spread between Euribor and the Bank rate was reduced, and increase will not affect mortgages and contracts subject to renewal. Thus the Bank could make the gesture of its willingness to fulfill its role as guardian against inflation, and avoid the higher cost of mortgages involving a decrease in the already weak consumer demand. Gumersindo
(Grupo Joly 03/08/2011)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Replacements Hinti
a planet called trash 4 garbage
every Friday you have an appointment in comics on the net
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Corningware Nasdaq Symbol
number and rice dumplings on a bed of Chinese noodles cauliflower
Chinese noodles cooked grouper and
My kids trouble eating fish, especially the largest. What war
day there, then eats it and likes it, but of course, you must first protest. We brought
number and to make them otherwise and see if I liked most in the meatballs and I must tell you that they have been delicious.
mere 500 g
1 cup cooked white rice 1 onion
2 eggs 1 dash
fine wine salt and pepper.
Chop onion in food processor. Pour
in a bowl and add the rice, eggs, salt and pepper. Remove and pour the wine and bread crumbs.
Return to stir well and make the meatballs.
Fry them over medium heat to brown but not burn while cooking noodles and Chinese, according to the manufacturer. Put
a source noodles and meatballs over
Monday, March 7, 2011
Will Wearing A Wig Stop My Hair Growth?
Unlike other post I've written, always with the critics in front of my eyes and ears, no wonder, today I would like to try writing for optimism, clear thinking and especially the shift in attitude not is because if it is motivated and finish the hand of a man "very normal", but which I like because you offer something special, way of looking at life differently, it gives you much-needed fresh air as the drug or treatment you need to survive, since the problem is in our heads more than ever.
Well today I speak as a tribute, suggestion, treatment, diagnosis, solution, beginning, optimism, support ... etc., Emilio lasted a man who devotes lectures to officers, directors, employers and workers to teach them to live, sig so difficult and easy when you hear that a fine thing to teach to live, I 'll take this phrase to describe this' little big man. "
I had the privilege of listening to not hear it, I have been put in and am able to gauge as the person who I really am, I have always fought to save the mortal life the emotional part, my students I watch sometimes look at me and think I know what you're thinking ... (this girl flips out ...) well yes and I'm glad I passed that perception of me. Always at the beginning of class to question my way I do and I tell myself Diana you to control your emotions, you must not show much empathy, so much feeling, so much emotion, you have to transmit more seriously by God! But when it took ten minutes of class, let alone half an hour and ten hours a day, with the students and there is nothing I can control myself.
explain all this because Emilio gets a little crazy at all, is able to give back, to feel what he says, to convince it that counts. His commitment is total and his voice leaves the blood to stop control both life because ultimately life controls us. I
I present today as the best treatment to give you the opportunity to begin again ye what ye in this world.
Internet Search videos but if you can attend one of his lectures do not miss a chance.

Unlike other post I've written, always with the critics in front of my eyes and ears, no wonder, today I would like to try writing for optimism, clear thinking and especially the shift in attitude not is because if it is motivated and finish the hand of a man "very normal", but which I like because you offer something special, way of looking at life differently, it gives you much-needed fresh air as the drug or treatment you need to survive, since the problem is in our heads more than ever.
Well today I speak as a tribute, suggestion, treatment, diagnosis, solution, beginning, optimism, support ... etc., Emilio lasted a man who devotes lectures to officers, directors, employers and workers to teach them to live, sig so difficult and easy when you hear that a fine thing to teach to live, I 'll take this phrase to describe this' little big man. "

I had the privilege of listening to not hear it, I have been put in and am able to gauge as the person who I really am, I have always fought to save the mortal life the emotional part, my students I watch sometimes look at me and think I know what you're thinking ... (this girl flips out ...) well yes and I'm glad I passed that perception of me. Always at the beginning of class to question my way I do and I tell myself Diana you to control your emotions, you must not show much empathy, so much feeling, so much emotion, you have to transmit more seriously by God! But when it took ten minutes of class, let alone half an hour and ten hours a day, with the students and there is nothing I can control myself.

explain all this because Emilio gets a little crazy at all, is able to give back, to feel what he says, to convince it that counts. His commitment is total and his voice leaves the blood to stop control both life because ultimately life controls us. I
I present today as the best treatment to give you the opportunity to begin again ye what ye in this world.
Internet Search videos but if you can attend one of his lectures do not miss a chance.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Invitation Wording For Toy Story Theme
a planet called 3
every Friday you have an appointment in comics on the net
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
35 Weeks And Sinus Infection
Islam and oil. Andalusia
this year, until they started the events in the northern Mediterranean countries, oil had already climbed 8.5%, which is added to 22% last year. This is due to global economic growth, which is the clearest explanatory variable price oil. If we see it in perspective, the past decade shows a stable price, between 20 and 40 dollars per barrel in the first two years, and then a steep climb to $ 80 in the boom years between 2003 and 2007. With the financial crisis there is speculation in 2008 and goes up to $ 150 to plummet to 40, from January 2009, the global economic recovery, would bring to $ 100. The ups and downs that are experiencing these days are concerned, the impact on the economy.
Oil continues the evolution of raw materials in the past decade, copper, for example, rose 435%, more than oil, and food 166%. This confirms that there is a tendency to rise the price for a continued strong demand from emerging countries, wasting energy growing and will account for 50% of the world's economy in five or six years.
developments in Arab countries have led to intense speculation about the price of oil, which will have a more or less durable depending on the direction to continue this country's political and social development. There are two models: one is Iran, where the authoritarian regime, followed by another governed by religious principles and the other is Turkey, a democracy in a secular state, but also with a strong religious substrate. Political and social stability in an area where people are fed in a despotic and arbitrary government (and this applies to countries rich and poor, with greater or lesser presence of radical Islam) will determine the price of oil, although it remains At higher levels, between 80 and 100 dollars, do not suffer seriously speculative movements that distort the economy.
Being so dependent on oil, the increases affect us, because not only are transferred to consumer prices, but international transport and tourism. Andalusia is also particularly sensitive to the increase is for agriculture. But the worst thing is that we live under the threat of lack of supply, as with gas, to a crisis of some gravity, so it is so important to have alternatives. Clean energy has been criticized for its high cost, but reduce our dependence on oil, the cost also is relative because we have to put in comparison with the cost of oil. So is nuclear energy. However, the most important thing is to use good energy saving, with cars, appliances and homes that use less, so that the party does not in this case, oil production and total consumption is declining. Here, as elsewhere, must be taken to follow a sensible behavioral principles, for the long term, unavoidable situations to deal with some strength. Gumersindo
Oil continues the evolution of raw materials in the past decade, copper, for example, rose 435%, more than oil, and food 166%. This confirms that there is a tendency to rise the price for a continued strong demand from emerging countries, wasting energy growing and will account for 50% of the world's economy in five or six years.
developments in Arab countries have led to intense speculation about the price of oil, which will have a more or less durable depending on the direction to continue this country's political and social development. There are two models: one is Iran, where the authoritarian regime, followed by another governed by religious principles and the other is Turkey, a democracy in a secular state, but also with a strong religious substrate. Political and social stability in an area where people are fed in a despotic and arbitrary government (and this applies to countries rich and poor, with greater or lesser presence of radical Islam) will determine the price of oil, although it remains At higher levels, between 80 and 100 dollars, do not suffer seriously speculative movements that distort the economy.
Being so dependent on oil, the increases affect us, because not only are transferred to consumer prices, but international transport and tourism. Andalusia is also particularly sensitive to the increase is for agriculture. But the worst thing is that we live under the threat of lack of supply, as with gas, to a crisis of some gravity, so it is so important to have alternatives. Clean energy has been criticized for its high cost, but reduce our dependence on oil, the cost also is relative because we have to put in comparison with the cost of oil. So is nuclear energy. However, the most important thing is to use good energy saving, with cars, appliances and homes that use less, so that the party does not in this case, oil production and total consumption is declining. Here, as elsewhere, must be taken to follow a sensible behavioral principles, for the long term, unavoidable situations to deal with some strength. Gumersindo
(Grupo Joly 03/01/2011)
Monday, February 28, 2011
How To Make Homemade Christmas Wreaths
cake, turkey and goat cheese sauce
Lately I'm a little lazy in the kitchen and cook every day but I'm not doing anything worthwhile to put here.
The kitchen, although we love, we also removed a lot of time to do other things and put aside.
I'm going to take it easy, for me and that is around me ..
I intend to make a recipe a week, if there and get more great, but if not, I will not eat the head, as happens to me sometimes.
I made this cake for dinner and the truth is that we liked it, well only older, my kids if they see vegetables, do not eat directly. Or I make cream or no way.
On one hand I understand, I went as a child and now I like almost every lot.
already tried it and I hope you like me to pass.
I leave you with the recipe.
1 sheet puff pastry.
cauliflower. 50 g
turkey taquitos.
50 g of goat cheese. 2 tablespoons
of garlic 1 tablespoon mustard
Cook the cauliflower into florets, drain and pat dry with paper towels.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 220 º
Place in a baking tray on parchment paper, pastry sheet.
In a bowl, mix the garlic and mustard and paint with it the pastry. Going through the pan
few drops of oil on the turkey.
Place cauliflower florets, up turkey and goat cheese into small pieces.
Bake at 220 º for 20 minutes. Print
Lately I'm a little lazy in the kitchen and cook every day but I'm not doing anything worthwhile to put here.
The kitchen, although we love, we also removed a lot of time to do other things and put aside.
I'm going to take it easy, for me and that is around me ..
I intend to make a recipe a week, if there and get more great, but if not, I will not eat the head, as happens to me sometimes.
I made this cake for dinner and the truth is that we liked it, well only older, my kids if they see vegetables, do not eat directly. Or I make cream or no way.
On one hand I understand, I went as a child and now I like almost every lot.
already tried it and I hope you like me to pass.
I leave you with the recipe.
1 sheet puff pastry.
cauliflower. 50 g
turkey taquitos.
50 g of goat cheese. 2 tablespoons
of garlic 1 tablespoon mustard
Cook the cauliflower into florets, drain and pat dry with paper towels.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 220 º
Place in a baking tray on parchment paper, pastry sheet.
In a bowl, mix the garlic and mustard and paint with it the pastry. Going through the pan
few drops of oil on the turkey.
Place cauliflower florets, up turkey and goat cheese into small pieces.
Bake at 220 º for 20 minutes. Print
Destination Bridal Shower Invitation Wording
always a little hard for me to give my opinion on cultural issues, theater, books, music, movies ... etc. The reason is because it gives me respect and I am a mere amateur. Leo
because I like not because they understand the good and bad writers, go to the theater because it inspires me, I feel enriched as a person especially at a time I learn as a student of class that I am, listening to music because it makes me think, reflect and relax me, but I prefer the one that makes me think of something and especially going to the movies because I get distracted from my routine, such as big screen, music that feelings can wrap while you soundproofed external noise ... everything that helps me and I created a separate world that encourages me in many ways, for better or for worse, because even when I left still somewhat unsatisfied somehow helps me know myself more.
comes a time when you know perfectly well that kind of thing you like and what they tell you anything, a criticism so important in taking into account today.
Well my introduction
served little to justify what I want to tell today because two weeks ago went to the cinema and left extremely distressed, also perplexed, agitated, entirely filled with feelings of many kinds, went even scared but later, hours and days continued to be touched by this great movie or rather by the great performance that made the actress Natalie Portman in the Black Swan, is a marvel, you can not have details of a movie you've seen to let others fill the gap that you deserve when you choose enter a movie theater to be surprised that it's also just something simple I mean simple but great for the later. HAS TO GO READY-A. After
mostly it's any reflection on life, where the fight for something important, but without losing the reason, beyond the line can be extremely ... .. and you'll know which you decide to go see it.

always a little hard for me to give my opinion on cultural issues, theater, books, music, movies ... etc. The reason is because it gives me respect and I am a mere amateur. Leo
because I like not because they understand the good and bad writers, go to the theater because it inspires me, I feel enriched as a person especially at a time I learn as a student of class that I am, listening to music because it makes me think, reflect and relax me, but I prefer the one that makes me think of something and especially going to the movies because I get distracted from my routine, such as big screen, music that feelings can wrap while you soundproofed external noise ... everything that helps me and I created a separate world that encourages me in many ways, for better or for worse, because even when I left still somewhat unsatisfied somehow helps me know myself more.
comes a time when you know perfectly well that kind of thing you like and what they tell you anything, a criticism so important in taking into account today.
Well my introduction
served little to justify what I want to tell today because two weeks ago went to the cinema and left extremely distressed, also perplexed, agitated, entirely filled with feelings of many kinds, went even scared but later, hours and days continued to be touched by this great movie or rather by the great performance that made the actress Natalie Portman in the Black Swan, is a marvel, you can not have details of a movie you've seen to let others fill the gap that you deserve when you choose enter a movie theater to be surprised that it's also just something simple I mean simple but great for the later. HAS TO GO READY-A. After
mostly it's any reflection on life, where the fight for something important, but without losing the reason, beyond the line can be extremely ... .. and you'll know which you decide to go see it.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Update Effect For Adobe Premier Pro 1.5
a planet called garbage 2
every Friday you have an appointment in comics on the net
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Disadvantages Of Using Butane As A Fuel
posfinanciera society.
DANIEL Bell has died at the age of 91. It was the sociologist of postindustrial society half a century ago could see a society that would have "tens of thousands of terminals in homes and offices hanging from mainframes, providing communication and information services of all kinds, books and retail" . In the sixties this sounded like science fiction, but it was the vision a futurist exceptional, capable of predicting the arrival of Internet, a knowledge-based economy and globalization of relationships. Through his books talked about the transformation of work, society and values. In his book The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, noted that consumerism and capitalism well-being that undermine the values \u200b\u200bof self-imposed and work. Instant gratification, individualism (liberal and counterculture movement) and easy credit combine to produce a moral crisis.
vision is unique and reference to credit and the role of financial services in postindustrial society. As Stephane Hessel said recently in a conversation with Jean Daniel: "Never has the financial power has been so arrogant." And indeed, it is now the predominant investment and capitalizing on speculation and credit back to the reality of companies, whether small, medium or large, capable of generating sustainable production and good jobs.
Just hope for a future with these features are explained the expectations he has created called test track rail ring, which when installed in the region of Antequera is located symbolically at the heart of Andalusia. Is an initiative that brings together universities, park technology, public and private investment, and gives the illusion of a new type of economy. In recent decades we have seen strong growth based on tourism, construction and services associated with these activities, but the financial crisis has cruelly emphasized that no industrial muscle mass does not create stable and quality jobs. We have always thought three elements necessary for a modern industrialization, finance, business and knowledge. Today, the financing or, better, direct investment is available in the international economy when there are projects that are worthwhile. The innovative entrepreneur should come before the exhaustion of activities traditional knowledge is generated and applied when there is business demand.
These projects are representative of what needs to Andalusia. Our communications infrastructure, health, universities, real estate, services of all kinds, territory and resources are a good basis for a new economy whose backbone is the manufacturing company, whatever their field, if run with high technology. The economy posfinanciera society will have to recover what they were virtues of the industrial and service society, avoiding their excesses. Gumersindo
vision is unique and reference to credit and the role of financial services in postindustrial society. As Stephane Hessel said recently in a conversation with Jean Daniel: "Never has the financial power has been so arrogant." And indeed, it is now the predominant investment and capitalizing on speculation and credit back to the reality of companies, whether small, medium or large, capable of generating sustainable production and good jobs.
Just hope for a future with these features are explained the expectations he has created called test track rail ring, which when installed in the region of Antequera is located symbolically at the heart of Andalusia. Is an initiative that brings together universities, park technology, public and private investment, and gives the illusion of a new type of economy. In recent decades we have seen strong growth based on tourism, construction and services associated with these activities, but the financial crisis has cruelly emphasized that no industrial muscle mass does not create stable and quality jobs. We have always thought three elements necessary for a modern industrialization, finance, business and knowledge. Today, the financing or, better, direct investment is available in the international economy when there are projects that are worthwhile. The innovative entrepreneur should come before the exhaustion of activities traditional knowledge is generated and applied when there is business demand.
These projects are representative of what needs to Andalusia. Our communications infrastructure, health, universities, real estate, services of all kinds, territory and resources are a good basis for a new economy whose backbone is the manufacturing company, whatever their field, if run with high technology. The economy posfinanciera society will have to recover what they were virtues of the industrial and service society, avoiding their excesses. Gumersindo
(Grupo Joly 22/02/2011)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Chocolate Pound Cake Mix
A planet called trash - 1
every Friday you have an appointment in comics on the net
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Does Orange Juice Make More Phlegm?
bought some squid and thinking like them, we remember that my mother made them with a scrumptious sauce and soon
nothing to run to call to tell me as he did.
And you know, they tell you a little of this, a bit of that and you have to go find out how much, they do as they leave they have no time to be measuring or weighing quantities.
are to take the loaf and start dipping into the sauce.
I do not know if I have left like her, but if not, he needed very little to get the same flavor.
1 kg of tiny squid.
2 medium onions 3 cloves of garlic.
salt and pepper.
half glass of white wine
half glass of water 1 jet of tomato sauce. Scrub
squid and set aside. While
chop the onion and garlic in food processor.
In a little oil, go sautéing the garlic and onion. When half done, add the squid and bay leaf, salt and pepper and stir that are made on medium heat.
After 10 minutes or so, add the flour, stir well to incorporate and pour the wine, stir until the alcohol evaporates, and add water and tomato.
simmer another 10 minutes. Print
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