Friday, January 21, 2011

Twisted Pelvis, Strength

The Long Goodbye.

The bottom line about pensions is not strictly economic or financial, but demographic, the long period after retirement continues to increase life expectancy.

In the recent "Economic Report of the President of the Government, pensions play an important role, not so much by extension but by the strength of the data: if you currently there are four people of working age for every pensioner, by 2050 there will be only one-thirty. It is true that employment growth would make it easier for pension coverage, but does not remedy the fundamental question of the burden and the growing disproportion between the long life of retirement and working life. The "Annual Report on Growth of the European Commission also highlighted as a problem for European government debt longevity, its impact on pensions and health spending.

Although a general phenomenon in European countries, in the case of Spain is heightened, and current trends the percentage of population over 65 years of total working age population (16 to 64 years) would increase from current 25% to 61% in 2050. The evolution of demographic data, except in cases of war, strong migratory movements, or severe epidemics, are met with considerable accuracy, which requires that reforms be made with a lot of time. Along with greater proportionality between contributions and benefits, transparency in trading, systems integration and adequacy of family allowances and widows, incentives for prolonging working life, the revision of the minimum retirement age and the limitations of aid for early retirement are common sense. Would, of course, take into account those who have contributed enough years, or certain groups based on the work they perform, so they can retire earlier. And, of course, the retirement age should evolve in line with rising life expectancy, which in Spain is one of the highest in the world, so that if at the beginning of the twentieth century in the hope of a person with 65 years was to live to 74, is now down to 85.

The period for calculating the pension would be maintained, featuring a sliding scale to correct the situations of those who have suffered unemployment for the period of calculation. Not mentioned in the Report of the President of taxation necessary to support long-term savings, increasing the current maximum amounts, and including a reform of individual pension plans and company to become a good complement to public pensions. A State Treaty is absolutely necessary and the parties agree as much as possible, taking into account various political views, business and labor. Is this an issue that increasingly occupies more space in public discussion, and it is not so strange in this context, the phrase of a character in the new production of Valère Novarina (precisely at the Odeon-Theatre of Europe), when he says serious that "the legal age death has been postponed. " Gumersindo

Ruiz (Grupo Joly January 18, 2011)


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